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Radiohead is another one of my favourite bands aside from Matt. I recently came across something pretty cool, it's a Jonny Greenwood cd, no vocals, and i think it's a soundtrack to a film. The cd's called "Bodysong", so is anyone else a radiohead fan? it's kind of interesting to see what other music people who share a common artist like.

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lol they're awesome. solid band that has developed and reinvented themselves over each album they've done. that demands respect. they remind me of Matthew Good in a way, up until WLRRR, in that they started off with a raw sound then became more and more trippy. i came to that conclusion when i was stoned once, so if you don't like it, shove it

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Radiohead is another one of my favourite bands aside from Matt. I recently came across something pretty cool, it's a Jonny Greenwood cd, no vocals, and i think it's a soundtrack to a film. The cd's called "Bodysong", so is anyone else a radiohead fan? it's kind of interesting to see what other music people who share a common artist like.

Where have you been, thats been out for like 2 years, yeah it was a documentary so to speak of the internal human body, the movie was highly applauded though I never saw, Radiohead also did part of the soundtrack with Sigur Ros for a theatre/dance show in NYC called 'Split Sides' a couple years ago. Sigur Ros released their share of the music, radiohead didnt but Id like to hear it

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oh i know it's not new, but i only heard it a couple months ago. my friend had been looking for it for those years, and finally found it at best buy which is kind of funny.


i think they're really talented, every song on The Bends is amazing.


where could i find that sigur ros stuff?

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Are Radiohead overrated? Of course they are. They're the darlings of a horde of pretentious hipsters who would rave about an album that is entirely Thom Yorke pissing into a bucket. I think they're great though. 6 albums and not one truly shitty one. Thats impressive.

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I think they're certainly overrated but not without good reason. OK Computer and Kid A were works of genius. Hail to the Theif was good but not really revolutionary.

I think they've come to represent true art in modern music (rightfully so) but unfortunatly that brings along all the pretentious jerks. As a result anything they release is automatically dubbed "GENIUS!!" I would like to see them pull the stunt of releasing a purposly shitty album.

$50 says it would get above an 8.5 on pitchfork media (biggest douches ever.)

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some people might resent the fact that once radiohead started to gain momentum and popularity, they took a sharp turn into the unknown, making obscure (but great) music. i don't. radiohead seem fairly consistent to me, and in retrospect, they are obviously a band with a vision of what the future of music can be like, and they're doing their own part to make that vision materialize. they've been clearing a path since the very beginning; bands will be trying to emulate radiohead for decades to come.


their story is a classic one, they helped nuture and form a sound for contemporary music, and once that well had run dry, went on to try other new things, rather than continue flogging that dead horse and having their material suffer and become stagnant as a result. at this point i'm not a huge fan of radiohead, but they certainly have my respect and a spot on my playlist.

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not to get too of topic, but people say the same thing about the mars volta; that they are pretentious, ostentatious and full of useless wankery. seems people were angry when their creative path meandered away from at the drive-in.


radiohead has managed to do the same thing within the same band. odd how people see being different and loathing the mainstream as 'pretentious'

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exactly. it seems like people don't like change or anything out of the ordinary... i guess that problem can may be attributed to the fact that all of this takes place in a music industry. joe blow only has $15, and he'd rather spend it by not taking any chances. people are too quick to dismiss. unfortunately, i myself doing the same.

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