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lotga/alabama hotel room

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LOTGA is a very underrated album. It was their breakout album so it should really get a bit more attention. Has a few favorites of mine like Fearless, Vermillion, Alabama Hotel Room, Radio Bomb, and Haven't Slept in Years. Heck I love the whole album ;)

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I was killing time at the mall close to my house yesterday and walked into Aldo shoes and they were playing LOTGA, i was floored, they were playing my fav song so i had to look at these ugly high heeled, overpriced shoes so i could here the whole song. but still aldo and mg, not a combination id ever think of.

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"every name is my name" is quite melodius... i like it

"symbolistic white walls" is probably my favourite on that album.

"vermilion" has a nice fast tempo to it

"alabama motel room" is gonna be my second favourite on the album ;)


all the other songs are decent, but not quite what i like hearing from Matt Good.


That is my $0.02

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get into the Hub, Jay, there are many people there who have the albums in MP3s format and while you are waiting - if u r waiting for that - to get the original copy, you can listen to the complete album and even record it... that's how I have gotten most of my stuff from MG

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i suggested that in case you "couldn't" wait to hear it ;) I ordered WLRRR a week before it came out... and I haven't gotten it yet! Imagine if I wait for the original copy to arrive my place!!! I wouldn't have heard the album yet! I would've died hearing everybody talking about the new album and not being able to say anything... :angry:

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Very valid point. I hope your copy arrives soon. I've heard quite a few horror stories with it not arriving, so I feel lucky that mine arrived when it did.

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