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They are getting a lot of radio play so you've probably heard them even if you don't know who they are. The lead singer is Jacob Hoggard who was #3 on Canadian Idol last year (he was with the band before idol).


Their debut cd was released like a week ago, and it actually is pretty good.




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Where the hell did these guys come from? Suddenly there's this giant buzz over them and I don't really see anything all that special that sets them apart or makes them all that different. Pretty good though.

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I saw Hedley live awhile back, I didn't want to, but there was four other bands I wanted to see live so I went to the show. Their lead singer was kind have lame too, like he had the audience show their digital cameras and then he soaked people up front in water, and apparently he does this at most shows too... I also did not enjoy the songs either...

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Jake Hoggard over-lipsyncs in their music video. He's singing like, he's having a seizure or something.. Meh. I like how he goes from little lame Canadian Idol to a supposed "punk" band. Psshhaa.

Apparently he was in the band before the show, and auditioned on a drunk bet.

Also, I don't really see anything "punk" about them.

I know the rest of the band since their Everything After days (not that I was a fan, but they were pretty good, CFOX Seeds winners, by the way). Crippin used to play with Bif Naked, and Tom MacDonald played in Jar and Flybanger. So it's not like they came out of nowhere. They are actually quite well-known in Vancouver.

Agreed about over-lipsyncing. As for moving like he has a seizure, I find it hilarious!

Their CD is good. Not phenomenal, but it's still pretty good stuff. Sink Or Swim, Villain and Sugar Free are stand-outs IMO.

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