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Mg Lyrics In Chalk

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Being a good little Matt Good fan, I went out today and purchased In A Coma. Walking home as I normally do (I work and live in downtown Vancouver) I pass the neighbourhood where I know Matt himself resides, and what do I see in various places? Matt Good lyrics in chalk on concrete walls and on the sidewalk. "Space is colder than the air in the mountains where I come from", "Damn, I'll bring them to their knees" and "Oh be joyful" in three separate areas.


Not that this little bit of news is going to thrill anyone to death, but I had to post it - it could have been one of you leaving MG messages around downtown Vancouver - show yourselves!

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I think it might be street teams or something...same thing happened after nine inch nails' "with_teeth" dropped...white chalk NIN logos all over Robson and such.


What kind of treasure would it entail if I were to tattoo NearFantastica.Com on my ass?

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What kind of treasure would it entail if I were to tattoo NearFantastica.Com on my ass?
You can't possibly imagine.


1. mountain dew

2. a burnt copy of 'justified'

3. a magic lesson from ally


I don't know who ally is, but my address is in the post secret thread. I sure suggest you look it up ;)



EDIT: That, and a street team would be sweet. Let's do it.

Edited by insober
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You guys probably already know this, but in the rare case you don't...


It was a female fan, Lexy, who did it for the fun of it. She claimed she wasn't a stalker and she has her own blog where she posted pics. I don't remember the address tho, but check matt & jen's blogs for comments around that time. That's how I came across Lexy's blog.





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