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Wall Of Good....

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I dunno man....I've got a plethora of MG posters, one which tops them all ;) sorry, i have to be smug about this. It's a huge one, something along the lines of 5'x6' of 6'x7' (never measured, but it's bloody huge), of the Audio of Being - I believe it was one of the record-store promo posters, and it's just awesome. Then it has it's lesser counsins and some photographs on the man himself surrounding it. Hehe. I love my wall of Good. If only I had the technology to show it here...stupid lack of technology...if Steve Austin came to me, I could NOT rebuild him....

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I have a *shameful* wall. I starting building it when I was 13, and it's sort of escilated into....what it is now.

These are the posters. I have 11 in total (one isn't in the pictures because it's above the desk, but it's the American BM Tour promo...). The wall used to have all sorts of Chart magazine shit on it as well, but I took all that down with the photographs and just put the posters up.


Oh well, since we're sharing:


(I had to squish the two pictures together in paint, so they look like shit.)


Edited by Nearfantastica
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