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Hi all,


Forgive a new poster. I tried to search, but couldn't find all of these, or could only find them in tab form, not chords, and I'd prefer chords if it's at all possible or doable. I know very little about the guitar, but I've been doing my best to learn some songs.


If anyone could post the chords for some of these, or any of these, I'd really appreciate it.


The big ones I've been looking for lately are:


While We Were Hunting Rabbits

Near Fantastica

Tripoli (Acoustic off Rooms)

Sort of a Protest Song

The Workers Sing A Song of Mass Production


Any and all help would be most appreciated.




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Go to the LINKS section located on this site and click on the 'mgtabarchive' or whatever it is link... it contains both tabs and lyrics to most of Matt's catalogue. You'll find that some tabs are better than others while some are simply way off base, so don't be overly discouraged if things don't necessarily jive. As far as looking for chords only, tabs simply break the chord apart, giving you an expanded view of where to place your fingers, so don't be intimidated.In my opinion, there's nothing much cooler than blasting the stereo playing along to Matt's tunes.


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