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stupid password

Saw Ii

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so, this comes out next friday or so in the states.

lord knows if it shows up in canada.


anyway, what are the general thoughts on this epic film that gave us the dread pirate screaming like a little girl? that made dolls that much creepier?

and seriously, a reverse bear trap.


i was a bit surprised by it. truly gruesome in some parts, but more uncomfortable to watch than the original--which, was surprising to say the least.


and on the d-low: they're makin' a franchise, kids. so, it won't really matter what happens. saw 3 is almost definite.

i, for one, welcome our new alien masters.



also: any Kiwis on the board? Apparently there was a flick that showed at the Melbourne Film Festival called "The Den" that may have heavily inspired the original director/writer(s).

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the concept is like a dumbed-down version of se7en, although the reverse bear trap was extremely cool, and the first time i watched the trailer (for the original), i nearly shit myself.


that aside, why can't they just make one movie anymore? do we really need a saw 2? no, not at all.


hooray for capitalism beating original thought into submission.

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never thought i'd defend saw, but...


The Fog?


sad as it is, saw is one of the somewhat original ideas in hollywood. doesn't bode well, but it's better than the eventual "abominable dr. phebes" remake.


and besides, dread pirate hissy-fit. you can't beat it.

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saw is one of the very few good 'horror' movies and i am appalled that they made a sequel. i thought they summed it up with the first one. i expect very bad things from the second one...

I understand where you're coming from, but the scriptwriters clearly went in there looking for a sequel. Movies are only left open-ended when they want the viewer to come to their own conclusions, or they want to make a sequel. (spoiler?)

SPOILER (Highlight to View)
A killer tricking everyone and walking off scot-free to end the film is a sequel set-up. There's no symbolic conclusion that the viewer can draw from the killer's escape, except for the conclusion they had already been given.
Thus it was pretty clear by the end, that if the movie did well we could expect a sequel. Sequels while sucking, are at least a touch better if they're alluded to in the first film. With that said, i have pretty high hopes for Saw 2 because they knew ahead of time what they'd be setting themselves up for.

Nothing like The Ring 2, in which they were almost obligated to make a sequel and didn't know what the hell to base it on. (though as far as sequels go, i didnt think it all that bad. at least it didn't rehash the original's concept too badly. certainly wasnt scary however)

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I understand where you're coming from, but the scriptwriters clearly went in there looking for a sequel. Movies are only left open-ended when they want the viewer to come to their own conclusions, or they want to make a sequel.

yeah, i actually re-watched it a few days ago. i remember seeing it in theatres and being all excited because it was obvious they were making a sequel, but then the concept really sunk into my head and i think i pushed the open-ending out of my mind...


all in all, i'll definitely rent the sequel when it comes to DVD, but i'm not gonna waste the $20 to see it in theatres, just in case.

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you know that feeling at the end of a movie when the big twist comes...like in usual suspects when you realize who kaiser sozay is? It's the same feeling at the end of Saw and Saw 2....seriously....same feeling, different twist, very well done

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you know that feeling at the end of a movie when the big twist comes...like in usual suspects when you realize who kaiser sozay is? It's the same feeling at the end of Saw and Saw 2....seriously....same feeling, different twist, very well done

You can't compare SAW to the Usual Suspects! That's such blasphemy. IT'S FUCKING BRIAN SINGER!!! AHHH that comparison is terrible! I'm sorry, but ahh!


Saw 2 was terrible. The dude who went nuts at the end totally undermined the entire movie, the acting was uncalled for, and there were so many freaking plot holes.

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the sad part? the plot holes are semi-explained.

except for sarin gas just...becoming dormant after a few hours. and that the residue did nothing to anyone involved. that just made a non-lick o' sense.


but don't fret, kids.

saw III: the bloodening


it'll be here soon.

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My boyfriend took me to Saw II for our date night...THANKS DEAR!!!!!! I couldn't stop cringing (SP?) and looking away from the screen.

For a sequel this movie was very good. I hate all these stupid horror movies coming out now but i thing "SAW" is the only exception.

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