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Its a fact that women's washrooms are dirtier than men's washrooms. Studied have been done.


Men usually just use the urinals and then leave (half the time not even washing their hands so no mess at the sinks LOL), while women...


1) Women ALWAYS use the tiolet bowl when going piss or poo-poo, and thus need to use toilet paper too so you got paper all over the place & unflushed tiolets up the wazoo. And u got more clogged tiolets.


2) Women got tampons and pads to deal with and all that nasty steez so they throw their wrappers everywhere.


3) Women put on make-up and all that crap, and use paper to wipe their makeup and that shit is thrown everywhere.


4) Sometimes women give birth to babies in the bathroom stalls. Ok maybe this last point isn't true.

i watched vera drake last night, and they apparently have abortions in stalls too.

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graham made it sound like we just trhow stuff where ever we want when we are done. there is nothing lying around in most bathrooms. maybe like a square of unused toilet paper, but that's it. women's hands rarely is ever touch anything potentionally dirty when using the washroom, and then they wash their hands. men wash their hands less than women do even though they touch their body parts. that is sick. toilets only get left unflushed when women are too stupid to figure out how to use them. that's a lot because women are stupid.


and i will always flush tampons. especially in public because they aren't my toilets, therefore if they break i am in no way going to feel any repercussion.

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It seems i'm always paraphrasing the Daily show (at least i think thats where i heard this from) but..

A study was done showing 64% of people don't wash their hands after going to the washroom. The study was conducted by the Association of Creepy People Who Watch You Pee.

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well, we've had the same plumbing system/toilet since my dad bought the house, at least 25 years ago. it was actually here before he bought the house. 3 other women live in my house and has yet to be a flushing or clogging issue. public systems are probably different because people do some weird things to their toilets.

do i feel bad for the people that have to deal with the mess? yes, glad i'm not them, but even a little toilet paper can clog a toilet. so it really doesn't matter if i flush tampons or not. and someone would have to change the little bags in the little garbage cans.

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I remember once I was at Queen's university for some overnight trip thingy, and in the bathroom stalls there were these little purple baggies that you were supposed to put your tampon in and then throw that in the garbage. This was in a co-ed bathroom, where guys would see girls walk out of stalls with these purple baggies and throw the thing into the garbage can. I can't imagine that being too comfortable for the gals.


P.S. it takes quite a bit of toilet paper to clog up a toilet. although paper towels will do it easily.

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I can't imagine that being too comfortable for the gals.

See, i don't understand this. It happens to every girl, so why is it all 'shh-shh.'


Unless you retarded boys were all squeeling "OMG OMG SHE'S GOT A PURPLE BAG OMG OMG I'VE GOT A HARDON!"

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its not weird for girls. total [female] strangers can talk about their periods without being uncomfortable because it's universal to us. but there are guys who would be like ewww sick, or so that would explain her moodiness (even though moodiness comes before the actual period does).

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I have for the last 5 years of my life worked at a pool which regularly has several thousand people in and out of the washrooms per day. I am also responsible for cleaning said washrooms, well I am for the guys anyway but i often help in the girls. Over the years I have observed the following:


- There is more shit on the floor of a guys washroom which is not to say there is none on the floor of the girls, just less


- Noone male or female can work a toilet paper dispencer as entire rolls will always end up on the ground covering up hidden treasures


- The tampon disposal bags never make any sort of mess as most women know how to open and close it and it is usually relatively clean, until it over flows.


- Toilets in the girls side will clog much quicker due to more use and often be used anyway as there is no other choice if you've been waiting in line for 20min, this leads to shitty water on the floor


- There is never a line in the guys washroom, ever, and is always one in the girls.


- Finally, noone knows how to flush . . .


In conclusion guys are probabbly a little more gross than girls, I have never seen "POOOOO" writen on the wall in shit in the girls but in the guys . . .shudder. . .


Keep in mind that its pretty nasty in both and nothin gbeats a nice clean toilet at home ;)

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I remember back in grade school there was this handicapped kid, who was a nice kid and all, but one day I was in the washroom and he was taking a shit and apparently he was angry about it and decided to smear the entire inside of the stall with his feces, the toilet, the door, the ground, the walls, you could smell it down the hall.


I blame the two fuckers that were edging him on to do it.

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Every so often, back in elementary school, I remember shit being all over the floor from... something.


Oh, and the grade threes and stuff didn't know how to use urinals, so they would pull their pants all the way down and try to take a piss several feet away from the actual urinal. Sigh.

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i gues girls take to using public washrooms and such better. i don't recall there ever being an issue in elementary school, except one time this handicap was peeing with the stall door open and she was like 3 years older then me and i saw her pubic hair accidently because i didn't realize the door was open and she was standing up and it was really grossed out. i was like 11.

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everyone is talking about their jobs and washroom experiences at said jobs, so here goes:


men are more prone to throw up their mcdonalds after they've eaten it, and miss the toilet.


if women vomit just as much, it means that they can somehow get to the stall faster and aim better.


as for working at a hospital, the washrooms are kept relatively clean, but not by me, that's not my job. at all. thank goodness.

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Once, my friend accidentally shit on the floor at Tim Hortons.



He tried to hang, by his arms from the stall walls, with his feet on the door, and shit in the toilet from 3 feet above it.


He failed.

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In elementary school, I developed a habit of never using the washrooms. To this day, even on weekends, I rarely use the washroom between 9am and 3pm.

I rarely use the bathroom at school as well... it's an automatic sort of thing.

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