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Should I Just Let Out My Breath?

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...i think i've given up all hope of matt ever coming to texas.......


i guess it would take some major airplay down here or something

Maybe if you could get George W. Bush to beg him to go down or something....oh wait a minute I don't thik Matt likes him too much that may not work.

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Chances of getting to the US are slim, it would seem. In a recent article, Matt was talking about the liklihood of him getting kicked out when he starts talking to media... about stuff.


Pic of Thom, of the L&G at www.tblog.ca



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hehe, yah living in Ontario sure is amazing, but he'd definatly loose money going to the states. There isnt the fanbase thier that there is here i think. Plus he has openly stated not being able to go because of his political views, the media would probably have a field day though, and that'd be funny.

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