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Beautiful Midnight Promo Cd

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I have a Beautiful Midnight Promo copy. It is still wrapped (with a tear in the wrapping) in a slim case. On the front it says "Promo only not for radio play" or something like that. Anyone have anything MG(B) related that they want to trade for it??

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Meh, collected over the years. I'm hoping to get all of the singles at some point. Also have Blue LA, Lo-Fi, Avalanche cassette, Limited AOB, and some singles but I don't have double of those so I don't want to trade.

I've got all the BM singles except Load Me Up.. Gravity Dave won that one off ebay. I'm trying to get a double of strange days or hello time bomb.. because he said he'd be willing to trade.. what an awesome guy. I've also got IAWCC, and Apparitions.. i dont count orange LA as rare..


I've seen singles for Alert Status Red, Weapon, Near Fantastica, Indestructible, Everything is Automatic, Rico, Carmelina, Antipop on ebay.. i was outbid at the last second for carmelina.. so pissed..


ooooh youve got blue LA and lo-fi!! that's crazy! you could possibly be the ONLY one with both lol.


which singles do you have?

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Which version of the promo edition do you have?

I didn't realize there was more than one version. The cover has the name of the band and a lightning bolt shooting down frem the name you can only see the sky, no ground. Then in the bottom right is


beautiful midnight


!promo only!

!not for sale or airplay!


umd99154 is on the disc.


Can't really tell you much else because it is not opened.


Most of the stuff listed on here so far I have.


I have BMS book (US version, looking for CDN version), at last there is nothing left to say book, lo-fi b sides, Ray Gun sticker/ cardboard version cd, Avalanche vinyl, loser anthems (regular not blue) and a few other things not mentioned.


I just threw this out there to see what people might have up for grabs...if I see something that catches my eye I will definatly trade.

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I'm definitely interested in that Canadian BM promo and the Raygun merchandise, if you were ever willing to part with it. I've got a US BM promo if you're interested in that, haha.



(Although I wouldn't part with them) The singles I have are:


Canadian IAWCC (Nothing special, who doesn't have it)


Hello Time Bomb (Can and Aust)

Everything is Automatic (Can)



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