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Canadian Government Falls

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Seriously, nobody but the opposition leaders want a holiday election. I can't vote in this election, but I don't give a crap - NOBODY WANTS AN ELECTION OVER CHRISTMAS!


Anyways, time to contact the local Greens and see what I might be able to do...

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what does it matter? what are you doing over christmas? like any one has better plans...

We all have better plans.


For example, I would rather be out and about with my grassroots politics in a time when I wouldn't have to wear gloves and boots. Or when I could ride a Vespa around town to do things required of me by the Party. That would be ass-kicking.


But seriously though, I do hope that this time around I'll actually get to do some volunteering.

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I was hoping to wait.


Christmas elections suck ass.


I've been giving a lot of thought to my vote lately.


I want to support the NDP most of all, but i'm not terribely opposed to the Liberals, but i definitely do not want the conservatives in power... for that reason i almost want to vote Liberal, but i know i'll vote NDP...

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My opinion is that its about time. Though the Liberal will get in again with a minority, and then hopefully the Cons will get rid of Harper so i can have a decent party option to vote for.


And everyone keeps saying "Christmas election" but its not like we're going to be voting on Boxing Day. The voting will very likely be held in mid-January.

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There will be a designated christmas break, and the vote won't be till late January, so I really doubt this will interrupt anyone's holidays.


It'll be another Liberal minority, obviously. The Conservatives won't win with Stephen Harper, and really need a change of leadership. Too many Canadians are scared of the idea of Prime Minister Harper. Remember last election when once people realized the Conservatives were going to win, they changed their votes back to the Liberals? The Conservatives have to give people a reason to vote for them beside the fact that they're not the Liberals.


As for Paul Martin, I have a hard time believing that as Finance Minister and a high-ranking party member, he had no clue what was going on with the Adscam, but at the same time, it seems to be mostly Chretien's cronies involved, and considering how much Martin and Chretien hate each other, it's entirely possible Martin was shut out of the whole proceedings.


The really interesting factor is the political mood in Quebec and the renewed talks of seperation. The Bloc could very well sweep Quebec under a strong anti-federalist sentiment, and with a new Parti Quebecios leader, there's a real feeling there may be another referendum that could once again go either way.


Myself, I'll probably vote NDP in a strong Conservative riding, so it really doesn't matter (aside from the small boost in federal funding the NDP will recieve).

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As much as i hate the idea, i too predict another liberal minority govt.

Like so many have said, Harper is pretty much the worst person to lead the conservatives right now. A situation like this, it should be impossible to screw it up. Harper will.


A poll i saw yesterday says 58% of Canadians want a change in government, but the liberals are still leading the conservatives (the next closest party) by 10 points. That seems silly to me.


Since we're talking about elections, it bothers me that Ontario and Quebec combined have significantly more seats than the entire rest of Canada combined. There's hardly any point in even polling everyone else. Thats another issue entirely, though.

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As much as i hate the idea, i too predict another liberal minority govt.

Like so many have said, Harper is pretty much the worst person to lead the conservatives right now. A situation like this, it should be impossible to screw it up. Harper will.


A poll i saw yesterday says 58% of Canadians want a change in government, but the liberals are still leading the conservatives (the next closest party) by 10 points. That seems silly to me.


Since we're talking about elections, it bothers me that Ontario and Quebec combined have significantly more seats than the entire rest of Canada combined. There's hardly any point in even polling everyone else. Thats another issue entirely, though.

Harper already screwed up by talking about gay marriage on day one.


God damn... what a redneck. We doesn't need a bible-thumper in the PMO.

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Whatever, if Harper loses this one I doubt he'll be leading the Conservatives much longer.

This is it, for either Martin or Harper.


The loser loses their position. That makes it that much more desperate for each of them.



And i am guessing that the liberals are going to have at least 150 seats, because people are pissed off that there is another election, this soon.

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But i dont like either Martin or Harper. Harper is still to right wing for Canadian's and will never get elected, as for Martin, well i just dont like him. I liked Jean more the Paul (even with the ad scandle). Maybe i will vote green again just to piss them all off (including the NDP)

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I liked Jean more the Paul (even with the ad scandle).

that makes me angry.


Jean Chretien is pretty much on my "top 10 most hated people in the world" list. I dislike him more than Bush probably. If i ever saw him in person i'd spit on him, or at the very least flip him the bird and lace him with profanity.

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