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For Jerks

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This is a place for jerks to hangout, chill, be jerks to each other, etc. Apparently the only people who like jerks are other jerks. However, everyone at some point is a jerk, it's just a matter of perspective.


Therefore I invite everyone to join this thread. My hope is that it'll become a hive of stupidity and randomness not found anywhere in this digital realm.


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I dunno if you guys completely missed the joke in that or if your just playing along and I am infact the one who missed the joke

Does it really matter?? I'm so very confused ;)

haha yah, i just sorta ignored it cause i didnt really expect a response from him, and now i just don't know what to say, im confused, and cold, a bit hungry.. and.. a bit sleepy..

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This is a place for jerks to hangout, chill, be jerks to each other, etc. Apparently the only people who like jerks are other jerks. However, everyone at some point is a jerk, it's just a matter of perspective.


Therefore I invite everyone to join this thread. My hope is that it'll become a hive of stupidity and randomness not found anywhere in this digital realm.


Can You Dig IT!?

Interesting. I suppose rather than a warning for "being a bitch to everyone" I should be getting more NF$, right? Or is it a woman-hating thing...you know, the guys can be rude, nasty jerks all the time but a female does the same thing and she's a mouthy "bitch."


Message boards represent the worst in humanity. ;)

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See BBQ has the right idea. It's being a big jerk right now, but in the appropriate thread, so it's all good!


BBQ my non-genderfied friend, being a jerk knows no bound of age, sex, race, marital status, or coolness level. Everyone can be a jerk equally, and there in lies the beauty.

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