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King Kong

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not my type of movie and peter jackson is the suck, except for dead alive (aka braindead).


popular movies these days are so random. how is a movie about an huge ape popular? hm.

Well it's not just 'about an ape'. There is an actual storyline beyond capturing a giant gorilla and taking him to New York. I saw it last night and really enjoyed it. Andy Serkis did great as the motion-captured Kong (and as the crazy chef, Lumpy). Jack Black did very good for a role that needed to be taken seriously. I was impressed by it, but some things could have been left out to make it a bit shorter.

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i didn't mean that is was JUST a movie about an ape... i just remember that when donnie darko came out, everyone thought i was a retard for wanting to see it because 'a movie about a giant killer rabbit is stupid'.


so i'm just like... how is a giant ape any better? is it because it was made by the guy who did LOTR?

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I had mixed feelings about it. We went and saw it with 40 other people at an empty midnight showing on Wednesday last week. I thought it was kind of funny that a 30 second spot of Kong fighting a t-rex in the original turned into a 15 minute spectacle of violent goodness in this version. I suppose we can thank PJ for that. It did run a tad long, but visually, it was a gorgeous film. I had few problems with it, and I enjoyed this new Kong. That managed to capture his character very well.


What suprises me the most about this movie release is the number of people who hadn't seen King Kong in the past and were judging this as the most original concept since the creation of the wheel. What part of "bringing a classic into the 21st Century" part of the banner do these people no understand?


*shrug* I thought it was a good movie. Not the greatest film of our generation or anything, but decent.

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I was so sad when they showed the Kong graveyard...


You know in the trailer where it showed Jack Black coming ahore in the sun saying "this is where i'll shoot my picture"?

was that actually in the movie?


i think it was worth seeing for the aboriginal people at least. those were some amazing scenes, and i loved the crazy piercings with wood jewelry!

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were we watching the same movie? i thought it was the biggest piece of garbage this year, by far. the dinosaur scenes were ridiculous and clearly only there to satisfy the short attention spans of today's moviegoers. the dialogue appeared to be written by george lucas. it was ridiculous. people were laughing at scenes that weren't supposed to be funny and were blown away by the absurdity of others. i kept expecting to see hobbits. thank you for lord of the rings with apes and gorillas. the score was the same, the separate stories were shot the same way and i'm pretty sure he used leftover sets.


and jimmy.. come on, man.. can't you come up with a less formulaic name for a na

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Well of course, Saturnine IS right all the time. The only thing remotely related to Lord of the Rings was PART of the set, and I didn't really expect to see that seeing as King Kong lives in the JUNGLE. As for the name Jimmy...who cares? It's a name! I doubt there were many people in the 30's named something like Melville.

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