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X-Rated Truffle Pig

Cops Or Pigs...

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Okay, so is it a big deal if you refer to a police officer as a pig, after you got pulled over for no reason, not given a ticket or anything...


when some of your friends are becoming cops...


is that wrong?


i mean who hasn't called a cop a pig?


i'm not saying all cops are pigs i'm just saying that one cop, not my friends. not all cops are corrupt etc...


just wondering how others feel about this issue.

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woulda thought that to be obvious


I know a few people taking Police foundations in college...we call them names and make fun of them all the time because they don't care. But like Prometheon mentioned, bad idea to say it when your getting out of a ticket.

Edited by Azalroth
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Corruption is the new Integrity. And by new, I mean it's been like that for a thousand years. Force is an unpleasent neccessity.


Say it while you can, I guess, because the plague of politcal correctness is ever spreading.

Edited by Sparq
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Ive totally seen that too. They just turn on the siren, go though a couple red lights, and turn them off. Makes me sick.... actually jealous... that would be sweet if you were late for work

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yeah so, now get this...


because i'm a teacher, apparently some of my friends who are becoming cops, said that i'm not allowed to call cops pigs, only because i'm a teacher, not because it bothers them, but since i have this reputation to uphold to be perfect. i think it was said something like I'd be embarrassed to call myself a teacher after making those remarks, which i called a cop a pig who pulled me over for no reason and whom i saw fly by as mentioned.


so if you're a teacher, basically you're no long entitled to your own opinion but instead forced to follow those of others.

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so what you reckon?


is that disrespectful. am i entitled to my own opinion no matter what they're profession.


i mean i've had people tell me to my face they hate the teaching profession, they think it sucks etc...and i'm just like,well i happen to like it, so yeah that's that...and i don't think they're being disrespectful, because they're entitled to their own opinion.

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of course you are entitled to your own opinion. If you think a cop is a pig (or insert any other term that comes to your mind) feel free to tell them so. We live in a democratic nation with full rights to free speech. Go ahead and tell them...


but keep in mind, they have a monopoly on legitimate violence...so be sure to respect (read: Fear) the repercussion of speaking your mind to them.

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converge you say it best when you say...so be sure to respect (read:Fear)...


because that is exactly what it's like...


and yes we do live in a democractic nation.


as a school teacher, do i reckon we get paid too much for the work we do? yupe? am i complaining? nope? but i try and make up for it by putting in extra time as in coaching, meetings, kids groups etc...

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doesn't matter what other people think, it's what you think about yourself. If you think it's disrespectful then it is, if not then it's not. As for the teacher thing, your friends are idiots...everyone has a right to an opinion, thats what democracy is all about.

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One of my close friends has an interview with the R.C.M.P within the next month or two.

i told him as soon as i gets in, he is dead to me.

He knows im not kidding.


Cops are crooked. Any coersive force is crooked.

Geez, wouldn't want to be friends with you...


SOME cops are crooked. What kind of "dog eat dog" country would we have if we didn't allow the government to have some right to use force? The strong would dominate the weak, the majority would dominate the minority.

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Claiming all cops are crooked is just absurd. The vast majority are not.

And without any cops, the whole world would be a disaster. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to seriously reexamine their worldview.


As for the calling cops pigs, whether or not you think it is disrespectful, it is still a bad idea to say it their faces. Why bother? Why antagonize someone for no reason?

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