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X-Rated Truffle Pig

Cops Or Pigs...

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i would say anyone who thinks we need cops should reexamine their worldview.


the need for policing only rises with a divide between the haves and have nots. If people were given a fair chance they wouldn't be forced to resort to "illegal" means of survival.


to call a cop names isn't to antagonize them for no reason. it comes with a job. They are required to carry out horrendous jobs against disenfranchised and down on their luck members of the community wether they are good people or not. With the badge on they are nothing more than an extended arm of the state. Not an individual.



As for being friends with me. Im not all bad. As for what you are describing without cops is...wait. What we have now, only enforced by cops. (except its minority over majority now)

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to see things as screwed up doesnt mean im living in a utopian dream world.


Are Amnesty International supporters in a Utopian Dream because they push for human rights?

Are the make trade fair campaigns run by Utopian dreamers because they attempt for trade equality? Hardly. an open amission of a problem doesnt mean things are going to change.


i agree with Sparg 100% that we are never going to have the system where bullies control. The dream of equality (which i may add has never been a reality) was officially crushed by a)the emergence of the nation state b)industrial revolution generating surplus thus stratifying the populations c)the overwhelming population size.


Just because i realize things are screwy does not mean i should sit back and let people get crushed on by pigs. but to sit back and say "meh, i got it good...equality for everyone is utopian. Why bother,i'll collect my things, exploit the rest of the world to enjoy my lavish lifestyle and let the coercive forces keep those grubby bastards in my own country who got nothingn at bay!" is complacent and in my opinion the root of many issues in society today (Policing being one of them)

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the need for policing only rises with a divide between the haves and have nots. If people were given a fair chance they wouldn't be forced to resort to "illegal" means of survival.

There are alot of people who have everything they need and commit crime just for kicks angainst innocent memebers of society. Stuff like gang crime. You don't NEED to vandalize everything and anything you feel like. People like to break into cars for the rush. Not because they don't have a car.

In places where they have nothing Afica maybe (this might be a bad example because of war caused by higher powers not the members of their society), there isn't nearly as much stealing or other crimes. I guess comfortable living comes with a price.

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more like: living in excess comes with a price.


it's kind of silly to determine that just because we have all this stuff means that we need a coercive force to make sure our stuff doesn't get stolen.


it's also a bit ignorant to assert that gang related property crimes just sort of happen with no rhyme or reason behind them.

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borntohula raises a key point (in my eyes at least)


while he/she didnt say it directly, with our techno-capitalist culture stresses the posession of objects, the amount of community involvment is down. (don't use a exception = rule example of how you volunteer or something to say we are very community based.) With our population size, it is very difficult to 'self-police' or feel as though you have something to gain from active community participation.


As long as we have the opportunity to consume, we can be isolated...we'll always have our next shiny thing to provide us with the sense of pride our community can not.

I think this has a great deal to do with the need for policing, as isolationism is not conducive of a crime free community.

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