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So I walked into Radioshack looking to buy new headphones. I heard a firmiliar tune and started mouthing the words. I found the headphones I was looking for and reached for them and thought to myself; Hey, I'm buying new headphones cause my old ones are broken! How can I be hearing this song? Hey! This is Rico. What the hell?! I asked the guy at the counter if this was the radio. It was some digital radio channel. I thought it was cool that they were playing a song that's 9 years old. To put it in perspective, the second MGB album(Not taking into account Raygun, an EP release) released!

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but really, that isnt all that impressive...maybe if you walked in during the last verse of hello time bomb would your thread name be appropriate (why is it so unusual that they played rico and flashdance II? they were both singles, I hear them every once and a while on the fox...heck, i hear ray gun and havent slept in years every once in a while on the radio).

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So I walked into Radioshack looking to buy new headphones. I heard a firmiliar tune and started mouthing the words. I found the headphones I was looking for and reached for them and thought to myself; Hey, I'm buying new headphones cause my old ones are broken! How can I be hearing this song? Hey! This is Rico. What the hell?! I asked the guy at the counter if this was the radio. It was some digital radio channel. I thought it was cool that they were playing a song that's 9 years old. To put it in perspective, the second MGB album(Not taking into account Raygun, an EP release) released!

...when you play nothing but rock on a rock station with no commercials or no djs, you play pretty much everything you can.



i once heard matthew good-indestructible, led zeppelin-when the levee breaks and REM-orange crush all in a row... that was a good fucking 10 minutes.

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