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From Games To Movies

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the new thing now a days (in theory) are turning video games into movies...i can say i didnt see doom 3 and apparently it wasnt all that...but movies coming in the future sould be better, for example splinter cell and halo..ya thats about it, just want to see what other people think about it...

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well, saddly i have seen the street fight movie, mortal combat movie and super mario brothers movie all on tv, so i am guessing will see doom when it is shown on tv. i dont really like the idea of video games being movies, cause some video games dont have plots, while movie do.... well most of them.

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It seems there are really only two possible categories for movies that are based on games to go into. Either, they're so unlike the game that it's a terrible bastardization of worthwhile game; this is generally done with the injection of a stupid plot. Then there are those that are just too much like the game, so you've pretty much seen the movie even if all you've done in actuality is played the game.

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I Agree Silent Hill looks pretty good...and I enjoyed Resident Evil, and the second one was decent basically because it was totally shot in the T-Dot so I recognize all the locations. Every time I'm at Nathan Phillips square I want to see Nemesis and umm the chick fucking shit up

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Some games should stay just as that Games, and now with the trend of making movies into games, all I have to say is I like Fight Club (movie), but I havnt played the game and probaly never will because of how dumb it looks

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