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i'm indestructable

Are Audio/video Recording Devices Allowed?

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i full out brought my camcorder and taped an hour of the show.



Wasn't that a bit much? Lol.

i think that would kinda ruin the enjoyment of watching the show... having to tape the entire show with a camcorder...

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it really all depends on the venue. some places, i literally walk in carrying my camera bag and my $1600 digital SLR. other venues, i tend to hide my digital compact camera in my shirt.


with cameras, the rule of thumb to consider is "no flash". It's disrespectful and the pictures will look terrible anyway.


as for audio recording... well Matt doesn't seem to care, so I figure if you can get the recorder in, all the power to you.

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The only thing I have to add is:


I noticed at some venues, they'll look for the recording light to be on and then track you down and kick you out. If you plan on recording, make sure you cover this light up and you shouldn't have any problems after you get your camera through the main doors.

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