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i can't wait to discipline the crap out of my kids.

See, that worries me.


It reinforces the idea in my head that people only have kids as an extension of their own political beliefs. They want to create their perfect little version of what a human being should be.

See, that worries me.


It reinforces the idea in my head that people are all retarded, and think that their kid is going to be the CEO of a company if all they do is spoil them their whole life.

See, that worries me.


It reinforces the idea in my head that you're an annoying little son of a bitch who can't so much as understand the posts he tries to pseudo-criticize.


My point was that parents try and raise their kids in one of two ways:


1) They way they wish their parents had raised them, or

2) As a way to make a political statement.


You'll notice that type #1 neatly fits into type #2.


The second way can be any type of statement you want. Raising your kids in a certain religion, or on certain dietary restrictions, what have you. You thought I was endorsing parent type #1. I'm not. I don't want kids and I don't understand the rationale behind having children. I'm trying to say that parent type #2 scares me because it seems like one of the main reasons people (not just Lauren) want to have kids is so that they can try (and fail at) creating their own little version of what they think a perfect human being should be.

I've got to through my opinion in the ring here. Besides this being an incredibly stupid argument that has gone on for far too long, I completely disagree with the way you say parents raise their children.


I'm a parent of two girls and my wife and I raise them the way we see fit. Not the way we wished we'd been raised and not for any political reasons either. I hate politics. This may be hard for you to believe seeing as you have no children but it's not as hard as some make out. 95% of it is just common sense and the rest you learn along the way. Trust me I've been doing for 10 years now and am preparing myself for the inevitable teen years.


I didn't want kids either, but trust me when it happens you gotta go with it. Trust me you won't be disappointed, it changes your life for the better. There's nothing like looking at your child and thinking; "My God I'm helped to create that little human being there." It's amazing. I wouldn't change it for the world.

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Perhaps I was being slightly hyperbolic.


But if (some?) people didn't include political beliefs in their ways of raising children, why is it that there are people who will go above and beyond what is considered "normal" by brainwashing their kids into certain belief systems? Parents will out-and-out lie to their kids about the realities of life so that they can trick the kids into living the way they want the kids to live. Some people are worse, some people are better.

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Agreed on that point. The reason I believe parents do such things is to have complete control. They want control over not just what their kids think and do, but every aspect of their own lives. When they lose that control then look out. Tantrum time. I've seen it a thousand times.


One other reason they may want their kids to live and believe as they do is that is tradition.

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i remember this one kid told me his brother got "bathtised" once, and i have always had this pet peeve for people mispronouncing words, so i said "whats the capital of thailand?" and he said "i dunno" and as i said "bankok" i simultaneously kneed him in the crotch.




ever since then, i've laughed when the topic of baptism came up... this time is no different.

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Ah, I sense the reasons for your bitterness. Catholicism. I say "To Each His Own". I believe that's where I'll stand on all issues. I may not agree, but I do respect the beliefs and opinions of others. One of the good things my parents taught me.

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i couldn't imagine forcing my kids to have a certain lifestyle. i plan to eat meat when i'm pregnant so the babies will be healthy. if i go to church, i will bring my children. i'm not going to get a babysitter every sunday morning. if, when my kids are old enough to take care of themselves, they decide they don't want to go to church, i won't make them. i just want to get them to the point where they can choose to not go to church because they don't like what they are being taught, not because they want to sleep in.

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old people are so cool. One day an old guy came into work and started telling me nonsense stories in the stereotypical way.



Haha I get people like that at my work all the time, too.

'Course, I work in a liquor store, so many of them are also alcoholics. Still amusing though.

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How the hell do you plan to eat meat when your body probably isn't capable of digesting it anymore?


Don't get me wrong, though, Catholocism isn't the (only) reason I'm bitter. When it comes to this subject, it wasn't Catholics, but atheists who really disgusted me. People who try to raise their kids according to any kind of doctrine piss me off. When people try to drill into their kids, from birth, that God doesn't exist in the name of "reason" or "enlightenment", they become no better than people who do the opposite in the name of "morality" or "righteousness". One person I remember communicating with on a message board was raising her kid a vegan, because she was one of those crunchy-treehugger-hippy types who ate only "organic" foods but drove a car that ran on premium gasoline. Go figure. What really pissed me off was how holier-than-thou she was about raising her daughter vegan. That kid isn't going to be able to make her own dietary choices when she's an adult, all becauser her mom was so self-assured that what she was doing was the ultimate form of reason, righteousness and enlightenment. I saw more and more of this type of stuff going on, and I simply couldn't believe that people who had been raised as Catholics or Baptists and went through considerable struggles overcoming some of the more severe dogmas of their religions were essentially doing the same thing to their kids, except from a different angle. They all failed to grasp their hypocrisy.

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I get that, I really do. Neither my wife or I believe in God. At least not in the traditional biblical sense. But our oldest daughter does and that's totally fine. We respect the fact that she believes, it's her choice to make, not ours. We would never think of drilling that belief out of her head.

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How the hell do you plan to eat meat when your body probably isn't capable of digesting it anymore?

while it is true that my stomach would explode if i ate meat, i will just have to train myself to eat it again. i cannot think of a reason why it is fair to have my child malnutritioned. i would rather be sick for a few weeks than have my child have medical problems because their muscles and organs didn't develop correctly.

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i've been using it a lot lately.







my secretary hates when i swear, and its become second nature for me... so second nature that i began to do it without hesitation in front of small children and clients.


so now i say funkin.








PLUS, i watched fubar, and when they are drunk and out vandalizing, one of the guy's writes "tron funkin blow" in spraypaint on the sidewalk, which i thought was entirely hilarious.

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How the hell do you plan to eat meat when your body probably isn't capable of digesting it anymore?

while it is true that my stomach would explode if i ate meat, i will just have to train myself to eat it again. i cannot think of a reason why it is fair to have my child malnutritioned. i would rather be sick for a few weeks than have my child have medical problems because their muscles and organs didn't develop correctly.

So, let me get this straight... you are currently malnourished?


There's more than one way to get protein and iron into your body than with meat, you know.

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How the hell do you plan to eat meat when your body probably isn't capable of digesting it anymore?


Don't get me wrong, though, Catholocism isn't the (only) reason I'm bitter. When it comes to this subject, it wasn't Catholics, but atheists who really disgusted me. People who try to raise their kids according to any kind of doctrine piss me off. When people try to drill into their kids, from birth, that God doesn't exist in the name of "reason" or "enlightenment", they become no better than people who do the opposite in the name of "morality" or "righteousness". One person I remember communicating with on a message board was raising her kid a vegan, because she was one of those crunchy-treehugger-hippy types who ate only "organic" foods but drove a car that ran on premium gasoline. Go figure. What really pissed me off was how holier-than-thou she was about raising her daughter vegan. That kid isn't going to be able to make her own dietary choices when she's an adult, all becauser her mom was so self-assured that what she was doing was the ultimate form of reason, righteousness and enlightenment. I saw more and more of this type of stuff going on, and I simply couldn't believe that people who had been raised as Catholics or Baptists and went through considerable struggles overcoming some of the more severe dogmas of their religions were essentially doing the same thing to their kids, except from a different angle. They all failed to grasp their hypocrisy.

If atheists are no better than "bible-pushers" then what makes them worse?

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