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Guest some guy

So Tonight Is My Prom...

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Guest apsham

And I don't know what to expect. On one hand I have a pimping suit, meaning that it's 50's gangster style. On the other hand I have a prom date that I barely talk to anymore, so uncomfortableness ahoy! Just have to see what happens I do suppose.


The afterparty is going to be tremendous though, my buddy has the clearing next to his house rigged up with lights around the edges and there's going to be a big bonfire in the middle.

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Guest apsham

Factor in the hired bouncers and multiple drunk people carrying around weapons in case the rival town people show up, and we've got a good balance.

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Guest apsham

It's kind of like the classic rural rivalry actually. I don't involve myself usually, a couple weeks ago there was a big brawl at a party in the mud by the river... down in the sticks... oh god I feel like such a hick.

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It's kind of like the classic rural rivalry actually. I don't involve myself usually, a couple weeks ago there was a big brawl at a party in the mud by the river... down in the sticks... oh god I feel like such a hick.

man thats hilarious, i hope you know i was kidding, but good times, go beat up some kids, have some fun, nothing better then beating people up in a classy suite! lol

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Guest apsham

Sadly, I wasn't. lol. I'll be taking the suit off as well, I can't afford to buy this:




Although the ways things are I am expecting the others to be in:



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Guest apsham

We left here and went to pick her up, she was beautiful and we got in the car and drove around for a bit. It was ackward as I expected, but we got there alright and the entrance and Grand March was pretty fun I suppose. We danced the first slow one and then walked around talking to others, people started leaving so I requested another slow one and we left, dropped her off and took off to get ready for the party which I found out that she had decided to go to, which kind of bummed me out.


The party was rather meh, just talking to the same people over and over. She was waiting until Game 7 was over to come with her friend, and it looked like she wasn't so I was just getting ready to go home, all day I had been tired as hell. But then she showed up and my nerves got bad enough to go behind the port-a-potty and puke about four times. I then returned to sit on the rock, she came over and talked to me until I found out I wasn't driving her back to her grams, she was going back over to her friends so I just called dad and she waited with me for the drive, before going back to the party.


I am throughly emotionally and physically drained today.

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