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Adam Carolla Vs. Ann Coulter

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On July 7th's Adam Carolla radio show, Ann Coulter called in to the show an hour and a half late, then told the host "I am really tight on time."Carolla responded, "All right, well get lost" and then hung up on her mid-sentence.




ADAM CAROLLA: Ann Coulter, who was suppose to be on the show about an hour and a half ago, is now on the phone, as well. Ann?




CAROLLA: Hi Ann. You

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or her appearance on Craig Ferguson.


Craig was like, "what types of music do you like?


and she said, "oh, you assume that i don't like music because i'm a conservative."



and he said, "no, i'm just really wondering what you like..."


she just can't turn it off.

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The more attention she draws to herself with her overtly insane comments just feeds her bank account. She doesnt give two shits about any issues in my opinion, she wants to continue to play the downtrodden conservative, and pretend that the conservatives are the "under-dogs" fighting against all that liberalism out there and make shit loads of money while doing it.

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