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To The Admins...

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Is the purpose of NF $$ simply to ensure that the board remains active? Or is so much an identifier of how active we are individually that we merely need it as a bragging tool? I think that as the major Matthew Good site on the net, you have a resonably easier time finding stuff that we cannot. But to have to post and reply just for the sake of dloading some new stuff is ridiculous. Can you not get rid of the whole NF$$ system? Im positive that this board will remain active. I'm surprised so many ppl have so much of it, because I would be dloading most of the stuffavailable.


Anyways, delete this or do what you like, it's just a question.

Edited by Eric
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Cry more n00b.
















But seriously, I think it serves 2 purposes. The first is to keep membership growing and the second is to get around the whole piracy issue.

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I think you could be right on that one. We all started out somewhere, I posted like MAD so I could get in to sticky situations. and it just means when you finally get enough NF$$ the download will be oh so worth it.. LoL

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True, sparq sent me some NF$$, so I could try and get into sticky early, so when I bought the status it didn't work.. So the NF$$'s are pointless and meaning less.

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What are you having trouble distinguishing (sp?)?


We have different Avatars, different Names, different sigs and different number of posts, join dates...etc...Well we have completely different accounts


It'd be like requesting all the Ravenous accounts to be merged...

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I'm going to lock this but to the guy who started this thread. It's a bandwidth throttle. I'm not paying for you kids to download songs, this isn't a download site. The songs are just rewards, if you don't want to post then don't. If you're only here for the songs, you won't be here for long.

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