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For All Those Opposed To Organized Religion..

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To even say that your a "donkeypuncher" would suggest that you have sex...but you don't do you?


Oh and by the way that's just sad that you said that your a donkeypuncher, cruel punishment to the chick.


I started to read this thread about religion and the control it entails and promptly gave up... I hate religion and everythin it stands for so I'm not even going to contribute to this debate

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Wow, angry, Azalroth.


As for the disbelief at the lack of a word for homosexuality in Greek, while I can't offer a scholarly reason for it, I can shed some hypothetical light on why it could have been the case: perhaps it was just too mundane to bother making a word for.


To my knowledge, the ancient Greeks (and the Romans, too, I think) just had sex with everyone and anyone. What would be the point in making a word for someone who exclusively has sexual relations with men, if that didn't exist? Back then, sex was sex, and you just partook in it with whomever you so chose -- personal preference was just a matter of taste, not 'orientation.'


We don't have a word in English (nor any other language I'm familiar with) for people who don't like seafood, after all, nor for someone (like me) who has a massive appetite for hamburgers.


Unless you count 'hamburglar.'

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