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If You Had A Time Machine And A Wad Of Cash...

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If I had a time machine, I would go back to New Orleans in August 2005 and buy one of those carboats. Then, when the flood hit, I would hop in my carboat and drive away to freedom, laughing at all the other fools who thought that carboats were useless.


Share your ideas, and anyone who mentions "go back and play the stock market" gets banned.

Edited by ecnarf
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I'm go back to September 10th 2001 and warn the world of what was about to happen and watch the American government still do nothing... or I'd go back and shit in Hitlers face for giving my people such bad reputations.

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Return to stop the creation of the infernal machine in the first place. Which, depending on the true nature of time and the validity of causeality may result in a paradoxical closed loop wherein I destroy the machines, which means mine never existed, which means I never destroyed them, which means they existed, which means I went back and destroyed them, etc etc etc. Such a device is potentially the greatest weapon ever created, and could quite easily undo all that is reality. It cannot be allowed to exist unless the Nihilist in me is feeling particularly energetic that day.


If it does not fracture time as such, I will assume time is an infinite parallel system of timelines as opposed to a single branching trunk. And, my noble works completed, I would go about the business of spending my newfound money on simpler pleasures than attempting to reign in the incalculable forces of temporal progression.


Like blackjack, and hookers.

Edited by Sparq
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Return to stop the creation of the infernal machine in the first place. Which, depending on the true nature of time and the validity of causeality may result in a paradoxical closed loop wherein I destroy the machines, which means mine never existed, which means I never destroyed them, which means they existed, which means I went back and destroyed them, etc etc etc. Such a device is potentially the greatest weapon ever created, and could quite easily undo all that is reality. It cannot be allowed to exist unless the Nihilist in me is feeling particularly energetic that day.


If it does not fracture time as such, I will assume time is an infinite parallel system of timelines as opposed to a single branching trunk. And, my noble works completed, I would go about the business of spending my newfound money on simpler pleasures than attempting to reign in the incalculable forces of temporal progression.


Like blackjack, and hookers.

You have no idea how long I laughed after reading that.

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