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Montreal Crisis

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Yeah, I definately didn't see this coming. Not in Canada, at least...

this has happened before in Taber, Alberta. but it wasnt on the same scale. there was only like 1 person shot, then the attacker shot himself. it happened not to much later after columbine

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*sigh* I swear, I wouldn't want to go to school in Montreal... First there was the Montreal massacre where what? 13 women got killed? And then back in...the 90s there was one employee that killed 4 people in a Montreal Uni.


But this is fucking bullshit. This shouldn't be happening! What the fuck is wrong?!

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Well we're lucky enough to only have 3 in the last 15 years. I went to college in Montreal and my girlfriend currently does (no need to tell you it was a crappy afternoon for her since most colleges are merely a couple of street from each other...


Montreal is a strange place in that; it's a world of its own. It could easily be a US city with all the good and bad that comes with it. I live on the south shore and things are completely different. It's completely bizarre.


I put the rest of the this post on my blog because it was over a page long. You can follow the link in my signature if it's of any interest for you.


My condolences...

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I heard about this when I got home from school. It hit pretty close to home, as a close member of the family attends that school and was standing beside somebody who got shot in the leg. Fortunately she's ok, but wow... pretty scary shit.


On the other hand now, I hope people don't going overboard with security measures now.

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the found his profile on a gothic vampire website... appreantly it was titles "are you all ready to die" and it said he wished to die n a hail of gunfire

there was another quote from him in the paper it said:


"life is like a video game, everyone dies."

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On the other hand now, I hope people don't going overboard with security measures now.

I'm not sure if this fits together, but the police managed to get him in 4 minutes, and the news went on about how they learned the lessons of Columbine and all that, so maybe that's not so much ssecurity as operating more efficiently.

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