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North Korea Tests Its First A-bomb

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Witness Cold War II on CNN everybody!


At least Canada has nuclear weapons...oh...wait...no we don't.


Well, at least we live next to the country with the largest arsenal of WMD's in history.


Sleep soundly with a bottle of Jack Daniels...then tomorrow buy as much as you possibly can. If you don't have a credit card, get one.




Watch the perpetual state of fear advance far into the future.


Hooray for nuclear bombs!!!


I'll buy one too soon....nuclear bombs for everybody!

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Take notes kiddies, we're watching history unfold here. And for those of us that survive, we want to be able tell our horribly radiated and mutated children that we witnessed the world march inexorably to war.

We can be like those people from "The Hills Have Eyes" !

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The Earth will be nearly wiped clean of life. A great cleansing. An atomic spark struck by human hands which will quickly rage out of control. Spears of nuclear fire will rain from the skies. Continents will be swallowed in flames, and fall beneath the boiling oceans. Humanity will be almost extinguised, our spirits becoming part of the background radiation which will blanket the Earth. A quiet darkness will fall across the planet, lasting many years.


Fallout, anyone?


Anyway, there is indeed a big difference between building a nuke and having the ICBM to carry the thing. Of course, like the Cuban Missile Crisis of olde, medium range rockets are also a pretty big threat. And with miniaturisation, the ability to carry a nuclear weapon by air or ground and sneak it into another country gets greater all the time. Though something tells me whatever the Koreans managed to build is going to be pretty physically big for now.


In theory, a bomb isn't hard to build. The science and plans are all there for the public on the internet. It's actually machining the materials to the required precision, and timing the operations properly to achieve nuclear fission....or fusion, as the case may be. But I'm guessing, conventional gun-type or compression-type fission device, low-kiloton yield. Deuterium doesn't grow on trees.


It is my intention to construct a rocky mountain stronghold against the inevitable mutant cannibal hunting parties roaming the nuclear wasteland. Or alternately, just die horribly.

Edited by Sparq
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Really, who's surprised? You decide, out of the blue, to tell a notably-insane dictator that he's now in the 'Axis of Evil,' even though he may never have talked to the other guys in it, and he may just decide to earn his keep.


Geopolitically-speaking, I'll eat my hat if Pyongyang actually tries to use their baby nukes -- they have an arsenal so tiny that they can't even manage mutually assured destruction: if they launch on someone (or send a donkey with a present into South Korea -- whatever works), they'll just be turned into a parking lot, without hope of doing anything further. Literally suicide.


Kim Jong-Il's lights may not all be on upstairs, but he's no idiot.


Crazy: yes; stupid: no.


Also, lack of MAD means that it can't be a cold war -- remember this when CNN starts calling it that (have they, yet? I don't watch CNN).

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Theres also just the little matter of confirming these allegations. As far as i can tell no third party has been able to confirm that indeed a nuclear device was set off underground? So i guess until we can get confirmed third party info are we jumping the gun here?


btw, has anyone noticed the HILARIOUS 24/7 propaganda station CNN play all kinds of hilarious disinfo and war trumpeting slogans? They all just forget about going to war with N.Korea and keep spinning this "we'll give them harsh sanctions line". It seems Kim Jong il was right when he felt that only HAVING a nuke, will deter the U.S. from "regime change" ... hi-larious.

Edited by supercanuk
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Theres also just the little matter of confirming these allegations. As far as i can tell no third party has been able to confirm that indeed a nuclear device was set off underground? So i guess until we can get confirmed third party info are we jumping the gun here?

Japanese seismographs detected a huge jump in readings at the time the nuke went off, in the same location, where there is no major fault line and earthquakes rarely, if ever, take place. I'd say it's confirmed.

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btw, has anyone noticed the HILARIOUS 24/7 propaganda station CNN play all kinds of hilarious disinfo and war trumpeting slogans?


my blood pressure has gone down since ceasing to watch cnn (hnn). i also have no idea what's going on with brangelina anymore.


i don't think the u.s. is gonna have to do much about this anyway, as i heard that china is pretty pissed (okay, okay, i got that from the daily show).


and the difference between the us's reaction to this and to iraq might just have something to do with iraq having had a joke of an army and korea not being a joke. schoolyard bullies don't run their mouths as loud around the bigger kids.

my blood pressure has gone down since ceasing to watch cnn (hnn). i also have no idea what's going on with brangelina anymore.

Edited by 13chris13
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