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Rumsfeld Quits

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Yeah, maybe Bush might actually be trying to reach across the aisle for once, by accepting his resignation. Rumsfeld submitted a resignation after the Abu Ghraib scandal, but it was never accepted by Bush.


Apparently, this also makes Cheney vulnerable, too. Bush can't fire him, but he can resign (Andrew Sullivan on The Hour earlier tonight). I guess because they had each other's backs and were pretty complicit in Iraq.

Edited by no yu begin wher i end
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Yeah, maybe Bush might actually be trying to reach across the aisle for once, by accepting his resignation. Rumsfeld submitted a resignation after the Abu Ghraib scandal, but it was never accepted by Bush.


Apparently, this also makes Cheney vulnerable, too. Bush can't fire him, but he can resign (Andrew Sullivan on The Hour earlier tonight). I guess because they had each other's backs and were pretty complicit in Iraq.

He was asked by a reporter if he would fire Cheney, since he agreed with ALL of Dumsfeld's policies. Bush was way too defensive on it for comfort.

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Three cheers for the resignation of this useless prick!!!!


Now let's get rid of the rest of them...Bush, Cheney, and the rest of the liars!!!!


Enough blood has been spilled...lets all pack up our guns and go home.

Edited by bishopx
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I'd really like to know the motives behind Rummy's resignation, i think there is more to this then we are currently being told. But thats just my healthy sense of skepticism, seeping in.

The Army Times recently ran an editorial against Rumsfeld.


The Army Times isn't the official newspaper of the U.S. Army, but considering it's run mostly by people close to the army (including retired personnel), that's a pretty fucking powerful statement that the U.S. armed forces (particularly senir officers) have zero confidence in him.

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True, he can go hang with his buddy Cheney and continue to rake in blood money from Haliburton.


Ultimately, his resignation is probably meant to draw attention away from the administration, a red herring if you will. Dare I say, Fall Guy?

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Rumsfeld as fall guy? He was the guy. Of course he'll take his fair share of the fall. I wouldn't be surprised if the Democrats hauled his ass in front of a grand jury. I also remember reading a while back that if Dems took the House, they'd begin impeachment hearings.


It'll be interesting to hear what he has to say now that he's not in the Bush Administration's employment.

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Rumsfeld as fall guy? He was the guy. Of course he'll take his fair share of the fall. I wouldn't be surprised if the Democrats hauled his ass in front of a grand jury. I also remember reading a while back that if Dems took the House, they'd begin impeachment hearings.


It'll be interesting to hear what he has to say now that he's not in the Bush Administration's employment.

"was" the guy. Well Cheney had just as big of a part to do with the entire Iraq situation of lies. Of course Bush doesn't have his hands clean either.


I always wondered why they never tried to impeach Bush or the others. But i didn't know you couldn't do such without control of the house. I guess you need to have majority to make it pass or something of that effect. Talk about broken democratic process.


also i don't think he's going to say shit about Bush etc. now that he's out of office. He's still good friends with Cheney, and i'm sure Bush. And he's "a good soldier", a team player, those types don't squeel behind each other's back, they take one for the team (like Powell).

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Rumsfeld as fall guy? He was the guy. Of course he'll take his fair share of the fall. I wouldn't be surprised if the Democrats hauled his ass in front of a grand jury. I also remember reading a while back that if Dems took the House, they'd begin impeachment hearings.


It'll be interesting to hear what he has to say now that he's not in the Bush Administration's employment.

The Democrats would be too late. Rumsfeld is now facing possible charges on war crimes regarding Abu Graib and Gitmo. From the Germans, no less.

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There's pretty much 2 reasons for his departure.


1] He's a republican scapegoat for the way the war in Iraq has turned out.


2] It drew attention away from the bigger picture. When the news of his leave came out, suddenly all the news wasn't about the democrats winning, it was about Rumsfeld.

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I don't see how Rumsfeld can be a "scapegoat" for Iraq when he is the Secretary of mother-fucking Defense. Besides the President of course, he's the numero uno responsible for the whole mess.


He's also the guy who totally fucked up Afghanistan & didn't bring in any significant ground forces until 4 months after 9/11 despite huge pressure from the CIA & Special Ops already in Afghanistan from almost day 1. Give Bin Laden & the Taliban a 4 month head start ya good going dweeb.



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I don't see how Rumsfeld can be a "scapegoat" for Iraq when he is the Secretary of mother-fucking Defense. Besides the President of course, he's the numero uno responsible for the whole mess.

Yeah, that's what I meant to say originally. You don't get much higher than Secretary of Defence.


Also, I think his leaving highlights the Democrats winning, because maybe he was somewhat afraid of what they'd put him through if he was still in power. Otherwise, why put off his dismissal until after the election, when just about everyone has wanted his head for the past year or so?

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I don't see how Rumsfeld can be a "scapegoat" for Iraq when he is the Secretary of mother-fucking Defense. Besides the President of course, he's the numero uno responsible for the whole mess.


He's also the guy who totally fucked up Afghanistan & didn't bring in any significant ground forces until 4 months after 9/11 despite huge pressure from the CIA & Special Ops already in Afghanistan from almost day 1. Give Bin Laden & the Taliban a 4 month head start ya good going dweeb.



Yeah, I see what you mean.


Obviously he is just about as high up as you get on the fault ladder. But the real criminals are many in number. It doesn't end at Rumsfeld by far.

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That's true, but Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush are the guys who hired all those crooks (most of them anyways). Rusmfeld & Cheney are like a tag-team, best buds from the late 70's. Cheney has a ton of his own guys scattered throughout the White House pyramid of power. A dozen Scooter Libby's still walking around.

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