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Call Me Naive, But Whats With The Pink Pills?

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I don't do drugs, never have. Never hung around people who did drugs, not even pot except for the very rare occasion.


Call me naive, i'll call myself fortunate, but I don't know what Matt's pink pills are? Is Ecstacy usually in the form of pink pills? Is it another popular drug? Ar the pink pills just some metaphor for drugs MG made up?


I know what they symboloize, i just don't know WTF they are.



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I think the higher doses are in capsules. Cos my lower doses were in little pink tablets...and then when I took to taking the higher doses, they came in capsules.


That being said.


I hate Effexor.

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They come in caplets, but it makes sense that these are what he's referring to.


If your anti-depressants are also anti sex drive, there are drugs that can help...not too mention excercise, etc...


If your Anti-Depressants are having a negative effect on you, it's not uncommon, it can take trying several different drugs, and drug combinations to find the right ones to help you. The important thing is to communicate these negative effects to your doctor, so that the medications can be adjusted or changed.


As for Matt's lyrics being personal in this manner, it makes sense...no matter how much we like, I dare say love his music, it begins somewhere inside of him...why wouldn't his music offer these types of insights into his life? Look at So long Mrs. Smith, or Load Me Up, or I miss new wave, as well as Near Fantastica...they all seem very personal to me...

Edited by bishopx
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My Effexor were in pink capsules(more salmon colour really). I was very pleased when I could go around telling people that the pink pills were for my sanity. Mind you I was taken off last week for various mental complications. . . turns out I'm probably bipolar, whooopy, its far worse than general depression/anxiety so I'm told but at the moment I'm on something called celexa which is a far more boring white pill.


At any rate, pharmaceuticals are fun and I'm glad we all know so much about them here as i have nothing more to add to the conversation at this time.

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Mm, yeah, definately, I know Effexor has helped a lot of people out, but I just had a really, horrible experience with it.


I hated the tablets, because you had to take them twice a day or something, and if you missed a dose, there was extreme hell to pay.


and coming off them was quite possibly the worst experience of my life, I wish it on no one.

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They come in caplets, but it makes sense that these are what he's referring to.


If your anti-depressants are also anti sex drive, there are drugs that can help...not too mention excercise, etc...


If your Anti-Depressants are having a negative effect on you, it's not uncommon, it can take trying several different drugs, and drug combinations to find the right ones to help you. The important thing is to communicate these negative effects to your doctor, so that the medications can be adjusted or changed.


As for Matt's lyrics being personal in this manner, it makes sense...no matter how much we like, I dare say love his music, it begins somewhere inside of him...why wouldn't his music offer these types of insights into his life? Look at So long Mrs. Smith, or Load Me Up, or I miss new wave, as well as Near Fantastica...they all seem very personal to me...

I haven't personally been on anti-depressents but have known a few people who were negatively affected by them. My ex-girlfriend was actually better before she was on them, and after when she quit.


About Matt's songs being personal... I dunno, I guess I always just thought of his songs as being very metaphorical. His lyrics don't literally refer to himself or his experiences, it's a lot more subtle, which would be why I never thought of it that way. I just always thought he was talking about hypothetical things or something, but I can definitely see how it's about him.

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several years ago, i took the pink pills (effexor) for my sanity (yeah, i had to take them twice a day at exactly the same time or otherwise i'd get really weird), and just like muran, kicking them was one of the worst experiences in my life, too.


every time i moved my eyeballs, my brain had a delayed reaction. i was seriously scared to cross the street as i did not trust my brain to process things around me properly. it took me a very long time to come off them and even though they worked wonders while taking them, i'll never take them again.

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I also watched someone go through kicking them...she was in absolute misery.


The hardest thing with Anti-depressants is that it's so hard for the Doctors to figure out what works and what doesn't quickly and without a lot of trial and error.

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it wasn't about the stigma. they worked, but as the drug was very new at the time, there wasn't much known about the long term effects. i decided to take a different route - away from meds. if i could have stayed on them forever with the assurance it was not going to mess with my brain, i would have. just the fact that kicking them was THAT horrible, tells me i made the right choice.

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i do agree with cringleman. i have seen people benefitting greatly from a nice daily dose of chemically induced happiness. i did, too. however, from all the people i know that took effexor in particular, there weren't many that did not go through hell kicking them.

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OH god... Anti-depressents.


I've been on a few. Paxil was the worst that I've ever been on. Never EVER want to go back onto that shit. EVER.


I'm on Celexa though but on mood-stablizers too... so they work nicecly together.

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