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The "copy And Paste" Thread

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Hey Kyle,

Last night I installed SP2 and your Order Center as well as OT05. I left OT01 as is because of View-point (it should be fine). I also Patch the OC and all your stores with the DST patch. The only store I was unable to do was Winchester since it appears they shut their registers off. I will be doing them again tonight.

Also, all the registers were check and are fine since none are XP SP1. So there is nothing for you to do except sit back and enjoy my expertise ;-)

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Good question. I'm CCing the answer to all the folks I can think of that might need to understand the answer. If anyone can think of others that should get this information, feel free to pass it on...






Prior to p007i and during p007i, the only valid machine list was kept in the TngDB and it was editable via the Workbench.




After p007i, the only valid machine list is kept in the Configuration.xml file on the Server in C:/tng2.0/config.




Any lists in quickbase are ignored by Automation.




The Automation Database Manager does allow machines to be added to it's COPY of the machine list and this ability should be looked at as a temporary fix to the machine list for the current run of Automation.




When machines are added to a store or OC, the correct procedure should be to add/adjust the machine list in the Configuration.xml file, if after p007i, or the Workbench, if prior to p007i.




Let me know if you need more information of this.


- Charles

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i can't believe mrs. jesus made fun of that other thread for being a post count booster, and left this one untouched.

That's a good point. That's why I rarely post in here...there's rarely any actual conversation. I'm really not concerned about my post count.

Posts aren't counted in the NF Lounge. So it can't boost your post count if you post here.

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Opensecrets2112: What do you mean, you want to sleep with him? He's like old enough to be my son for crying out loud. Are you going to nurse him when you're done?

WhiteChocolatechip:WTF, he's sexy and he can clean the hell out of the pool. fuck I haven't had sex I got pregnant with jeffy. 3 YEARS IS A LONG TIME!!!

Opensecrets2112: Um, good point. Jesus Christ!!! You're my cousin, damned near my sister. I didn't need to hear that, or even read that. I'm going to go wash my eyes!!!!

WhiteChocolatechip:LMAO!!! You big baby!!! I'm gonna go fuck the pool boy. I luv ya Angel.

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Love Affair 2:22 Regina specktor 11.11 Other 3 2/25/2007 9:55 PM

On The Radio 3:22 Regina Specktor Begin To Hope 5 2/25/2007 9:58 PM

just like the movies(soviet) 3:53 regina specktor soviet, songs, 11 11 genre 3 2/21/2007 5:54 PM

consequence of sounds 5:10 regina specktor soviet, songs, 11 11 genre 8 2/25/2007 10:05 PM

Ode To Divorce 3:43 Regina Specktor title genre 4 2/25/2007 10:08 PM

Fidelity 3:45 Regina Specktor 2 2/25/2007 10:12 PM

Us 4:52 Regina Specktor 2 2/25/2007 10:17 PM

Lullaby 2:28 Regina Specktor Other 3 2/27/2007 10:46 PM





















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This is to only be performed during Off peak hours, when the issue occurs. (Not during lunch or dinner rush)



1)Kill the RMS application.(Do not delete the Checkpoints)


2)Restart the application from the command line: C:\tng2.0\Commands\rms.bat


3)The rms.bat window will contain a stack dump, copy and paste this into the ticket and email, along with the stuck order#.


4)Kill the RMS again, and delete the checkpoints, and restart the app properly.


This is all the require. It should only take about two minutes to do...No other data is required at this juncture.

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Love Affair 2:22 Regina specktor 11.11 Other 3 2/25/2007 9:55 PM

On The Radio 3:22 Regina Specktor Begin To Hope 5 2/25/2007 9:58 PM

just like the movies(soviet) 3:53 regina specktor soviet, songs, 11 11 genre 3 2/21/2007 5:54 PM

consequence of sounds 5:10 regina specktor soviet, songs, 11 11 genre 8 2/25/2007 10:05 PM

Ode To Divorce 3:43 Regina Specktor title genre 4 2/25/2007 10:08 PM

Fidelity 3:45 Regina Specktor 2 2/25/2007 10:12 PM

Us 4:52 Regina Specktor 2 2/25/2007 10:17 PM

Lullaby 2:28 Regina Specktor Other 3 2/27/2007 10:46 PM





















Going to see her live next weekend ;)

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<!-- Application: logserver -->

<!-- Description: Centralized log server. -->

<!-- -->

<!-- Instances -->

<!-- ========= -->

<!-- default Standard log server configuration. -->

<!-- -->

<!-- Properties -->

<!-- ========== -->

<!-- readPort Port on which applications may read log messages posted by all -->

<!-- applications. -->

<!-- maxConnections Maximum number of logserver conections. -->

<!-- finderGroup Broadcast address used to locate log servers. -->

<!-- postPort Port on which applications post log messages. -->

<!-- appControlInstanceName Name of the instance of the application control service that -->

<!-- we want the logserver to use -->

<!-- title Title displayed in the Log Server GUI. -->

<!-- logInstance Name of the log service instance to initialize to log facility -->

<!-- with. -->

<!-- broadcastGroup Broadcast address used to locate log servers. -->

<!-- registrarPort Port on which applications register with the logserver. -->

<!-- databaseInstance Name of the database instance used to establish database -->

<!-- connections. -->

<!-- autoStart Boolean which determines if the LogServer will automatically -->

<!-- start on application startup. -->


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Love Affair 2:22 Regina specktor 11.11 Other 3 2/25/2007 9:55 PM

On The Radio 3:22 Regina Specktor Begin To Hope  5 2/25/2007 9:58 PM

just like the movies(soviet) 3:53 regina specktor  soviet, songs, 11 11 genre 3 2/21/2007 5:54 PM

consequence of sounds 5:10 regina specktor  soviet, songs, 11 11 genre 8 2/25/2007 10:05 PM

Ode To Divorce 3:43 Regina Specktor title genre 4 2/25/2007 10:08 PM

Fidelity 3:45 Regina Specktor  2 2/25/2007 10:12 PM

Us 4:52 Regina Specktor  2 2/25/2007 10:17 PM

Lullaby 2:28 Regina Specktor  Other 3 2/27/2007 10:46 PM





















Going to see her live next weekend ;)

take pictures for me please?



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