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It's That Time Of Year

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it seems like this time of the year everyone is handing out "best of..." awards. i figured if someone had the time and patience to go through the best of '06s posts, or if one post in particular comes to mind, post it here, and then we can do a poll on "best post of 2006"




either way, being the egotistical son of a bitch that i am, i nominate my "what you can do with $250,000" post found on page 29 of the complaint thread. or here

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I will also nominate one of my own posts, but instead of the infernal link, I will quote it. From page 37 of the Top Five thread....



Top Five Reasons NOT to Attend a Donkey Show


5. It's painful just to watch

4. There's far to much cheering going on you can't hear her scream

3. It's painful just to think of

2. The girl has this weird look on her face, like..'I kind of enjoy it, but it hurts too much to really care', or she just ate a sour starburst

1. You wonder to yourself the whole time...how does it even fit in there?

Edited by matrix
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I nominate this: me posting some stupid whore's terrible poem off her myspace.


"Sexual Feeling"


Rainy days and cold nights,

These are days I need you to hold me tight in your arms,

Hold me close and keep me warm,

Tell me I'm your good luck charm,

Look me in my eyes and tell me I'm the one for you ,

Tell me I'm your every wish come true,

Lay me down very gently,

Then make love to me essentially,

Caress my body from head to toe not missing a spot,

Lets play around like connect the dots,

Lets make each other hot till our body heat rise like a rollercoaster ride,

Take my body on a journey that never ends,

It always seems to just begin,

Make me climax like i never done before,

Do what you want to my body its all yours,

Rub me, lick me, kiss me, tease me do what ever you want to my body as long as its pleasing

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I will also nominate one of my own posts, but instead of the infernal link, I will quote it. From page 37 of the Top Five thread....



Top Five Reasons NOT to Attend a Donkey Show


5. It's painful just to watch

4. There's far to much cheering going on you can't hear her scream

3. It's painful just to think of

2. The girl has this weird look on her face, like..'I kind of enjoy it, but it hurts too much to really care', or she just ate a sour starburst

1. You wonder to yourself the whole time...how does it even fit in there?

I second this nomination....

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