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i was horribly wrong about foo acoustic. when their last album came out, i shrugged off the second half as boring. i dunno...i must not have been in the mood for acoustic when i heard it. i bought the skin and bones dvd last week, not realizing that it was an acoustic set. holy shit was i impressed. it's now one of my favorite live show dvds. the dancing cowbell solo was icing on the cake.

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I agree, I absolutely love the acoustic album of In Your Honour.


Razer and Virginia Moon are great.


I remember speaking to Matt Good once, about the Foo Fighters acoustic concert that was playing at the Orpheum a few months ago, and he scrunched up his face and said he didn't think Foo Fighters did acoustic.


And that if I really wanted to go, I should buy scalped tickets XD

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razor is a wicked song. like i said, i must not have been in an acoustic mood when it came out. it was also cool hearing dave grohl explain how he came to be in nirvana and such before he played friend of a friend (i don't like that song much), especially when he explained about ripping up kurt's girlfriend to him on the phone (i so hope he was talking about courtney love).

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I didn't like their last albums much to be honest. The Colour And The Shape is awesome but after that... Meh. Sure, each release had a few strong songs but not enough for me to actually listen to the album from beginning till end.

COMPLETELY AGREED! Everything after C&tS got worse and worse. but I like the acoustic disc and live CD.


by the way

I'll check it out then

does that mean you're checking it out because I said I like it?

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I didn't like their last albums much to be honest. The Colour And The Shape is awesome but after that... Meh. Sure, each release had a few strong songs but not enough for me to actually listen to the album from beginning till end.

COMPLETELY AGREED! Everything after C&tS got worse and worse. but I like the acoustic disc and live CD.


by the way

I'll check it out then

does that mean you're checking it out because I said I like it?

If it makes you happy, then yes, that's what I meant ;)

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i felt the same way as most of you... they were pretty hit and miss following the colour and the shape, but i mean, even they knew that... or at least acknowledge it in retrospect. the whole reason "probot" happened was because dave didn't like the radio friendly stuff from there's nothing left to lose. that was probably their worst album... aside from songs like "stacked actors" and "aurora" which are also staples of their live (electric) set.


one by one was a step in the right direction, but still lacked ... umm... maybe focus is the word i'm looking for. but the songs on this one were a lot stronger and far more mature than previous. its like the rubber soul to in your honor's revolver. is that a good comparison to make?


with in your honor, they really honed their strengths into a format that really suited their sound. the problem with previous albums is that they always sounded like they were struggling with wanting to be really loud and crazy but still be taken seriously and all that. the result was amazing. disc 1 of IYH is energetic, powerful, relentless and unforgiving... all the things you love about the foos, but this time with a more updated sound. the second disc is very much a departure for the band, but for once, it shows some growth on their part. growth without making sacrifices in their sound.


what was so great about the first album was its flow. start to finish, just flowed really nicely and was still pretty abrasive. i think in some ways, they've been trying to capture that same flow for their entire career.


as for the live disc, i picked it up recently and quite enjoyed it. but when it comes to the foo fighters or anything dave grohl-related, i'd have a hard time not enjoying something that they put out. i have yet to get the DVD. i had no idea there was a live DVD actually, until this topic came up. so... thanks!

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I didn't like their last albums much to be honest. The Colour And The Shape is awesome but after that... Meh. Sure, each release had a few strong songs but not enough for me to actually listen to the album from beginning till end.

COMPLETELY AGREED! Everything after C&tS got worse and worse. but I like the acoustic disc and live CD.


by the way

I'll check it out then

does that mean you're checking it out because I said I like it?

If it makes you happy, then yes, that's what I meant ;)

Sweet! :angry::)

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i imagine it is. i'm not gonna download the album. maybe the song skin and bones. i wonder how much of the banter they cut out for the album? there's a lot of funny chit chat on the dvd.

get the studio version of "skin and bones" from their EP five songs and a cover.

if i can find it i will. i didn't know there was a studio version. thanks.

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