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Christmas Present Awesome-o-meter

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Sweet Present!!! The girl and I exchanged last night since we wouldn't get too much private time with the families...I got a sweet Fossil watch, lounge pants, and boxers, and a sweet statue of two people intertwined...


She got a new stereo, Lingerie, a breakfast in bed tray, Tigger slippers, and a GC for a spa day...


We still have more gifts for each other...but that's what we opened last night

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I bought Kevin Masterpiece Starscream for Christmas


and he retaliated by giving me an awesomeonly cute sweater from Randy River (which I saw at Bluenotes, but way more expensive), a Nyan Nyan Nyanko stuffed toy (It's hiding in a bun! ;)), cute kitty socks, and the new Great Big Sea DVD :angry:


Apparently there's something else as well, but he couldn't find it and I will receive it once he finds it.


Overall I give it a 9/10, -1 for not wrapping it. (haha simply because I set upon him the minute he got home, and he had no chance of keeping me from that bag o' goodies. :angry:)

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i got a 3/4 length wool coat from gucci and a trip to new york. i dont have the coat yet but i saw the receipt this morning when i went looking through her purse for money to give the homeless guy selling coupon books door-to-door and the trip i know about because it showed up on my amex statement. my birthday is at the end of the month, so i get two!


i still don't know what i'm going to get her... probably just a day of shopping on 5th in nyc and a spa thing a la bishopx




edit: oops, awesome meter 8/10, i asked for golf clubs.

Edited by hot_carl
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My dick in a box




Rates about 200.

I sent that clip to my boyfriend and told him to please NOT give me that!

That is so damned funny!!! Brought to you by the letter A, for Adam...you know the guy who cuts a hole in the popcorn box, and keeps it in his lap, when he takes you to the movies...


Now gentlemen, so we all understand each other...NO!!!!

Do this and most women, will make sure that box and your junk will end up seperate from your person...

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what I got frim my friends Craig and Tiffany.

Lindt Chocolates

Super Hero Kit

Inflatable Hammer (it squeeks!)

Dentine Fire (I love cinnamon gum)

Santa Beenie Baby

Mr. Hankey the Christmas Poo

3D Nintendo Gummie Candies!!

Toffifee (yum)

Ice Age PEZ Dispencer (with candies)

Twizzlers (I always get them at movies)

6 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles candy canes

Mini Pot of Gold

$45 EB Games gift Certificate

and 2 mini Toblerones (already eaten so not in the picture)

and it all came in a giant mitten shaped christmas stocking (I know, if it's shaped like a mitten it's not a stocking but I didn't know what else to call it)


Awesome-o-meter: 10.5/10

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My dick in a box




Rates about 200.

I sent that clip to my boyfriend and told him to please NOT give me that!

That is so damned funny!!! Brought to you by the letter A, for Adam...you know the guy who cuts a hole in the popcorn box, and keeps it in his lap, when he takes you to the movies...


Now gentlemen, so we all understand each other...NO!!!!

Do this and most women, will make sure that box and your junk will end up seperate from your person...

Do women not have senses of humour?

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The mrs. and I exchanged gifts last night and I have to definitely give it a 10/10 she bought me the box set of the Godfather (sweetest trilogy ever, get out of here you freaky star war's fans). And she bought me this box set of Ralph Lauren cologne with the body wash, after shave and of course eau de toilette. I bought her diamond earrings so it worked out pretty well, she really loved them.

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