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New Year's Resolutions

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I fucking hate new year's resolutions. It might be because we were forced to write them as assignments in elementary school and were accordingly marked based on how well we could glue pieces of paper to pieces of construction paper. Except we never had proper glue around for some reason so my stuff ended up looking like shit (as usual).


Nonetheless, I hereby resolve to drink more in the new year. God knows I need to make up for not doing ay of it while on Christmas break.

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Congrats Daniel!


My resolutions:

1. Work more (and do it during the day)

2. Smoke less pot

3. Stay single for at least another 6 months

4. Go to bed before 12:00 on week nights

5. Decide what I want to do with my life other than my job


If I'm posting in the complaint thread about not doing any of these things in 2007, someone fucking yell at me please.

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