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Studs Terkel

Living Underwater

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How long until three quarters of the population is living underwater? (Disclaimer: I'd like to think that most people would just move to higher ground if water started to rise along the world's coasts; plus it wouldn't really be instanteous, although it could be relatively quickly. I just don't give most of humanity too much credit for being all that intelligent.)

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I'm going to go with "...when the continents stop moving and volcanoes stop erupting leaving the slow but inevitable process of erosion plenty of time to flatten everything and only 1/4 of the population are rich enough to afford the general awesomeness that are houseboats."

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I was hoping this thread would be about building colonies underwater by choice, a la the Drummers in The Diamond Age. It would certainly be a boon for population density.


Edit: The moment lobsters start singing and playing steel drums, I'm outta there.

Edited by NotFromOklahoma
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actually, i read an article the other day saying that since the Artic is melting, most of the seaside areas in my country would be covered by water in less than 50 years, covering around half a kilometer in each of these areas... sad, but true... and we humans are guilty for things like this

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