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Canadian Gov't & Global Warming

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Right now everything is a joke. John Baird is our new Environment Minister. Big WOOP!! He seems like a nice guy (besides the screaming in the House) but he's not going to be given the power to do anything. Wearing green ties doesn't make pollution & CO2 go away.


And all this fighting among the parties to see who is "most green" is sickening. If you all agree then just shutup & fix the problem. Conservatives wouldn't be doing SHIT about this if it wasn't the #1 political issue on Canadians minds in the polls. So fuck them & fuck Stephen Harper.


And who gives a rats ass about the Alberta oil sands. If strict Kyoto or California-style rules affect Alberta's ability to get richer that is just too bad. Deal with it & shut up, you guys aren't going to starve to death. Same with the car manufacturers, if you don't want your bottom line to be affected by emmission rules etc. then change the way you make your cars. Design electric cars & more hybrids. If that costs you money then cry me a river. Earth > the bottom line.

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Yah this is all politics, a lot of politicians "seem nice" that's their job, actually look at their policies and none of them are all that green. I mean NDP is not too shabby, but all this is rediculous, you'd think they'd leave dogma at the door for you know, our collective EXISTENCE, but no, its all postuering for the upcomming political campaign. The tar sands cannot be exploited in an enviromentally sound way, its impossible, so dont listen to those fuckbacks who say new technology makes it as green as grass to exploit, their pumping tons of fresh water into the sands to pull out the oil, its not even all that economically sound let alone environmentally sound.

Anyway, this shit gets my blood boiling so im ganna leave it at that, check the policies of the government in power and the official opposition and you'll find lies and polytikin! (ooh i just ryhmed!)

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I'm happy to see that it's one of the big issues of the next two federal elections (canadian and hopefully american), and that's a HUGE step. The first step is admitting you have a problem, right? There seems to be a growing consensus now that it's a problem, and although it may seem obvious to you now, it wasn't 10 years ago.


it wasn't long ago that global warming was considered a theory. we're talking about, like, a year or two ago. before an inconvenient truth, not many people talked about or cared about the "theory" of global warming, now we are! Now if someone can only do the same for the "theory" of evolution, we'll be set.


the good news is that the earth is extremely resilient, and so long as we stop actively working towards fucking it up, we'll be ok. I'm hoping that the new u.s. administration will atleast attempt to adhere to kyoto. That'd make a world of a difference, pun intended

Edited by heyrabbit
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Testify, brother!


Gawd, it seems like they can't do anything other than blame the Liberals for everything.

well the Liberals weren't doing much for Kyoto either. In the end i really don't care if they bicker or not, as long as at the end of the day the job gets done.


A few weeks ago a emailed my local MP (a Conservative). I told him i wanted climate change & global poverty (foreign aid) to be given much more attention in the next budget, and that i didn't care about his words i wanted to see some action. He replied, with the typical blah blah. We'll see.


I urge others to contact their local MP's as well.

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Testify, brother!


Gawd, it seems like they can't do anything other than blame the Liberals for everything.

well the Liberals weren't doing much for Kyoto either. In the end i really don't care if they bicker or not, as long as at the end of the day the job gets done.

That's true, but it just gets tiresome after a while. Let's hear some new ideas. Rona Ambrose made a speech at a major international conference a while back where pretty much all she did was trash the Liberals. No one seems to have much substance, lately.


PS: You have the greatest avatar ever.

Edited by no yu begin wher i end
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many things against the global warning are being made by the leftist government in my country, starting with an international conference in which Al Gore participated, specially trying to make people concious (Spain is one of the european countries most concious with respect to reciclying, caring about the CFCs and the climate change) of its problems and consequences for this planet...


at least, my current government -opposed to what the previous conservative one didn't do- is doing something...

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