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Overrated Movies!

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Donnie Darko


The Matrix 1,2,3


Napoleon Dynamite

Dr. Strangelove (I hate it)


The Departed

Whatelse... huh..

Fear and Loathing


I think I just stated a lot of the top ones...

Edited by Jarrod
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King Kong (2005)




the SFX of the dinosaurs did not ever have me believing that "shit, those are real dinosaurs" aka Jurassic Park


1 1/2 hour until you see the goddamn ape. and I'm supposed to believe that KK fell in love with the woman....who fell in love with the ape. the most expensive beastiality film I have seen.

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While I enjoyed King Kong, how do you find it overrated? It was given so-so reviews...it didn't make much of an impact at the box office (did it even make back its budget?), and it was neither nominated or won any awards. Also, from most people I talk to, they hated it. How is that overrated, again?

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