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Matt Good Group On Facebook

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I always thought MySpace was more "lurk-y." I don't have a MySpace or a Facebook. At least with MySpace you can look at the public profiles... with Facebook, it always asks you to log in which I can't do because I don't have one.

facebook informs you of everything your friends do in a day.




at least with myspace you have to do some work

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i think its funny how on Myspace, you can list (dating) as a reason for what you are looking for on Myspace.


Unless "HornyAngela" responds to my CONSTANT messaging on myspace (i never actually did this, but it's one of those generic, 'let's trick horny nerds into paying to see naked girls on a website' junk friend requests)


seriously, on myspace, I'd like to see other people who have Remember The Titans as their favorite movie, first I have to scroll the ads telling my website where i can buy the movie on dvd for cheap, then sort through the people who live in other countries/states no where near mine.


at least on facebook, I got a coffee date from a girl whose name I don't remember, cause I don't have to remember it.

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I recently joined Facebook to re-connect with old flame, so I might as well join this group and extend my Matt Good fandom into yet another brance of cyberspace.

Edited by Jay
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On facebook you have pretty much full control over what your friends can see about your life. I'm not sure if its like that on myspace, but at least it lets you decide how much stalking you're comfortable with. Its really a brilliant site, and has a ton of unrealized potential for extra features. All depends on how you use it.

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facebook informs you of everything your friends do in a day.




at least with myspace you have to do some work

i just joined that stupid site and i'm totally creeped out by that. so and so just posted on your wall. so and so is looking out the window right now. now they are tapping their fingers on the desk and thinking about your mom. creepy.

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