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it's not like the word can only be racist if you say it in a certain way. historically it represents racism.


also, you can only use it to call someone one. joke or not, it's a racist word. it's rude to say it, no matter what your race, location, or reason is.


it's what i think and i'm not asking anyone to agree with me.

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Fair Enough.



Edit: To continue with this theme...


If someone who makes fun of homosexuals is secretly gay...does that mean people who make fun of black people are secretly black?

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Personally, I am not a fan of the "N" word. I feel that the power the word has had on a racial and insulting level, has greatly diminished.


If someone is ignorant then call them so...that is what the original meaning of the word was. It was applied to the african slaves for their ignorance of western culture, and of slavery itself...they chained people who had no concept of being chained...of course they were ignorant of their situation.

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Hey, Charles, since we're on the subject...although, it is highly off topic...but, I'd like to get your prospective. You said you're not a fan of the N word, and neither am I. But, we do have to admit, the meaning has diminished in the last couple of years, mostly because of the rap/hip hop community. Anyway, do you take offense to the word no matter who says it? For instance, your black friend comes up and says, 'What's up my N?' and then your white friend comes up and says the same thing, is their any difference, and what is it in your mind? I feel if the meaning of the word has diminished enough for someone to use, how can you get upset if someone of another race uses the same word? And, based on that, do you think that adds more or less segragation to the whole situation? I mean, allowing the exclusivity of that word still creates seperation of the races, when the whole P.C. thing now is for us all to be human not defined as different race.

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It has nothing to do with my being black Mrs. J...I have just never liked the word. No matter who says it. If someone is ignorant, call them ignorant.


Chad: The "N" word is officially slanguage. It's part of pop culture now, used in varying forms. It really has no meaning....look at the word motherfucker...My bestfriend and I call each other Motherfucker. You can be a bad motherfucker and it can be good, you can be a fucked up motherfucker and it can be bad. The word has become an all purpose tool so to speak. The "N" word has reached that point as well. Also, it's a matter of tone. I can say "you're a motherfucker" in different tones, and you'll take it to mean different things, with each tone. Again, the same applies to the "N" word. For me, it's a matter of why use a word that isn't appropriate to my volcabulary. If you're ignorant, I'll say you're ignorant. I can think of far better terms of endearment and familiars, than that word. I'd rather call you my friend, instead of my "N" word. I like some Hip Hop, but I take them like I take star athletes, who seem to sound like they never spent a day in college...If you can't make a positive impact as a role model, and speak like you were given the sense that God gave a common dog, then SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I had an interviewee in my office talking like that...I have no use for that.

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if magic mushroom tea where good for me, i'd still never drink it again.



why not? i would.

dammit. 'were'. i'm an idiot.


why not = bad times involving too much mushroom tea, watching "day of the dead", and the guy from the next apartment (also on mushrooms) flipping out over a woman, trashing his place, putting his fist through a window, bursting into the room i was in with a huge gash down his arm (the blood looked neon hot pink), and then watching the same guy throw an ambulance attendant up against the ambulance, be restrained by the cops, the whole time screaming "i'm gonna kill you guys!!!". then going home, hearing his voice/that phrase echo through my head until i came down (i also puked my guts up out the door of my friends car while we were taking off, just as the cops were coming around to ask questions).

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i, my friend, haven't done any hallucinogins since the summer that phantom menace came out, or maybe the summer after. details are sketchy. i remember there was acid going around called 'phantom menace', and some wicked double dip of the same stuff called 'jerry garcia' or 'grateful dead'...one or the other.

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If I had a dollar for every stupid thing said to me today, I could buy a porsche.

a boxter or a 997?

An 1986 928. I had one for about 2 years...I loved that car.


If I were smart, I'd have stayed in bed this morning.

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if i had 'porsche money', i'd buy a 911 turbo. a 'this year's model'. fuck vintage and the trappings of having to care for a vintage car. i'm unsure on the colour. something dark.


edit: if i had more than porsche money, i'd buy this:


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