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I saw it yesterday with my brother and my two little cousins. I had a good time, the graphics are amazing, really enjoyed it. The plot is kind of basic, no surprises or anything like that but overall, I enjoyed it.

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I would say that I liked the first and second live action turtles more than TMNT. I still really enjoyed this movie though. The animation and action were great, but the story was pretty standard and it wasn't as funny as the first two. Still a must see for any TMNT fan just based on the nostalgia factor.

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thats why i went to the late show. the only kid there was a little black kid but I'm pretty sure he was just there pimping his hos. otherwise, the late show was all people that grew up with the turtles.

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thats why i went to the late show

We went to the late show on a Tuesday! None of the kids were sitting down either, they all stand up and wiggle around. The kid behind me started caressing my fro, and when I turned around, his mom grabbed him and violently pulled him into her, then the kid goes "I wuv you mommy..." and hugs her passionately.


Doing that makes everything okay.

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Guest jsunC

I liked the movie, it had really good fight scenes and CG.. The jokes were mostly lame, but c'mon the jokes were always lame... They just didn't seem as lame when you were a lame-ass kid

I used the word lame a lot in that sentence...LAME

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I hate to admit it, but if I watched Turtles 2 right now, I would be laughing through the whole movie. I agree that a lot of the stuff in TMNT wasn't very funny, but I still think that the first two live action movies (mainly Turtles 2) are hilarious.

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