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School Is Almost Over

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School year didn't end up completely horrible. Clinical placements are exhausting but almost over and then I'll be working and making tonnes of money and I'll live happily ever after.

Maybe you should be buying me a corvette...


Seriously, That's awesome Beth. :angry: :angry: ;)

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no, they take care of business but i'd rather have an orgasm during sex than not sex.

and when girls say don't stop, they might not mean 'don't stop having sex with me' but 'don't stop exactly what you are doing in that exact spot'.

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This school year went by far too fast for my liking. I made a lot of friends in their 4th year and now they're all graduating and it breaks my selfish heart. The boy I'm seeing might not be coming back next year. I'm not ready for the summer.

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I also wish that it weren't so inevitable that I'm never going to see any of the people in my classes again. I mean, hell, today could very well have been my last lecture ever at Western.


I'm told that both chem at western and pharmacy are very close-knit family type faculties/departments (there are only 40-50 honours chem students in any given year). Still. The physical sciences aren't typically bastions of good looking women and I'd at least like to, you know, not get cut off from some of the ones I've met this year entirely.

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i will definately miss my floor. i'm living with the best people off the floor but i love almost all the others. my manwich is done 3rd year now and he lives 4 blocks away from my apartment. its weird to think that i will never see some of these people again...

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I could do without some of these douche-nozzles.


Like, this girl across the hall that has, like, more opinions than thoughts and, like, thinks far too highly of her own opinions and never shuts the fuck up?

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It's not just the fact that she says "like", it's the way she says it. If you say it as a space-filler because you can't think fast enough, well you know. But if you use it as a rhetorical device in an argument, HOLY FUCK does that piss me of.

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I also wish that it weren't so inevitable that I'm never going to see any of the people in my classes again. I mean, hell, today could very well have been my last lecture ever at Western.


I'm told that both chem at western and pharmacy are very close-knit family type faculties/departments (there are only 40-50 honours chem students in any given year). Still. The physical sciences aren't typically bastions of good looking women and I'd at least like to, you know, not get cut off from some of the ones I've met this year entirely.

And you KNOW pharmacy girls are the hottest!

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