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Ah, Racism

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That fucking nitwit should be shot. Jesus. He hasn't got the sense god gave a goat. The reason it didn't get airplay, is because no one wanted the backlish it would have caused, and because this fucking shitforbrains, isn't famous. Talk about a nappy headed ho.

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Guest Prosis

Ok I just watched the whole thing...wow...astonishing...


That man acts just like those extreme feminists. Women have been fighting for hundreds of years to become equal to men and then you have that handful of femnists who try to be superior to men. Same here...


The sad thing about that is that every black person who thinks like him ruin the hard work and unmeasurably difficult fights that black people have gone through in the last hundred years to get rid of racism...unfortunately, I don't think asses who think like him realize that.

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Dan and Hobo, you two are Princes among men. It's strange to me in a lot of ways...when I lived in NC...there was no hint of racism. Everyone worked together, and moved in the same circles. There were traditionally separate clubs. The Elks, and The Freemasons...but other than that, everyone lived, worked, and played together. The schools were integrated even before the anti-segregation laws, my grandfather was business partners with the other three richest guys in town, who just so happened to be white. I never experienced anything untoward, until I moved to the north. It was so alien to me, I just didn't get it.


Getting along with each other, and accepting each other, and respecting each other, has taken a long time, and a lot of work. Nitwits like this dumbfuck, are better off dead.

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Guest Prosis

Charles: thanks ;)


Seriously though, humans are humans...black, white or whatever, who cares? I don't see a difference and I wish all those racist dumbfucks, no matter their "race" (races don't exist amongst the human race by the way), just vanished or fucked off on a big racist planet where they can hate each other and let this world be.


Like my bosses wife. When she tells a story, she takes the time to say "he was black"...everytime I stop and think "so?". Things like that shouldn't even be mentionned.


Anyhow, I hope someday the retardness stops...

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I love one people do that. I'm like, could he have been purple?


My favorite is people who are racist, but have reasons why they can't be. Like, I can't be racist because I'm black, or because I work with black people, or this person or that person.


Shit, just admit to it...that's how you grow from it.

Edited by bishopx
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Guest Prosis
daniel, i'm hugging you.

can you feel it?

I wish I could :angry:


Charles: I know it's ridiculous. It's like "I can't be because I work with a black guy" meaning what if you weren't working with him you'd be racist? Therefore you are racist ;)

Edited by Prosis
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see, the shitty thing here is I find that it really makes me look at minorities differently. Sure, I joke a lot about it but I've never hated anyone because of the colour of their skin. but look at this guy. he wants me exterminated. he doesn't care that I'm not racist, that I believe that everyone should just live in harmony regardless of skin colour and everything, he sees me as white and therefore evil.

it's just a bunch of bullshit and I don't want to let it affect me but I find that in some ways it does. it makes me sick. I hope he gets shot in the head (but by another black guy so that he doesn't become a martyr.)

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I have white siblings, (Same father, different mothers) accepting everyone for who they are and not what they are comes naturally. But even before meeting them, I was raised to see the book for what's inside of it, not what's on the cover. I stick by that.


Dan - Some people are blind enough that they can convince themselves of just about anything.


Tim - I really like that. It would be almost poetic if he were shot by another black person. He's nothing more than a sociopath. We all have to live together. Shit like this is just such a waste of time and energy. It takes so much energy to hate, and so little to live in peace.

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she said 'glad', not 'proud'.


i love when people say they don't notice shit like the color of people's skin. of course you do. if you live in a predominantly white community, your gonna notice when a black dude passes you on the street. it's a difference, and differences stand out. it's not negative or positive, just a difference. fucking over-sensitives.

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