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Post What You Dreamed About Last Night.

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just before i woke up


i dreamt i was in a bar with a group of girls sitting at a table. i excused myself to go to the restroom where in the restroom was an old (girl)friend I hadn't seen in a while in the restroom. i asked her if I showed her the pictures I had from that wedding I went to. she said no, then kissed me on the cheek.


then i woke up.

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i dreamt my m coupe downgraded itself into a Z4 roadster and i was hiding huge bags of shake in the seats and i was selling it as premium weed. my best customer was my uncle and i kept running into him and selling him 1/4s in safeway bags. there were road closures because of a marathon, and i had to reverse about 5 blocks and a cop commended me for it, then told me how to avoid all the traffic... all while i had about 3 pounds of dope in my car.

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I had the most wonderful dream...except YOU were there, and YOU were there!


Seriousldy though, it involved my lawn (minus tree), my car, two first generation Neons, and a handgun which was either a Para-Ordnance 1911 clone or an SV Infinity Xcellerator or some sort.

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I had a dream that I was gone away for vacation and one of my other friends was supposed to be there with one of her friends for her wedding. But then my friend died and the bride didn't know and I was freaking out cuz she died and I didn't know if/when I should tell the bride.


Second dream in a few days where the same friend dies. Interesting.


The other night - zombie dream. Stupid zombies.

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I dreamt Matt invited everyone from the bored to one of his show, he brought a bus and picked us all up (in my dream it made sense) but for some reason my friend (she doesn't even know of Matt but in the dream she did) and I weren't home so we couldn't come. So afterwards I talked to him and he said we could come to the next show instead. And I rememebr asking him "you brought everyone from the bored? even the newbies?". Haha, hilarious dream.

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i think there are multiple dream threads. i also had a matthew good dream. he was playing in some cafeteria er something, and there was a vending machine right next to him. he got like 2 songs in (i don't remember what songs, or how i knew it was two songs in), and some dude wandered over to the vending machine and bought something, real noisy-like. mr. good stopped playing and went on a huge verbal tirade. i don't remember what he said, but i was bummed he stopped playing.

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i dreamt that me and my family went to toronto and there was a terrorist attack and i got separated from my family so i was wondering around downtown looking for them, i some how ended up in calgary and hung out with brandon and chris and we went to dollarama to get supplies and tehy have keyboards and i wanted one but i was like 'no! we can't carry that around!" and then i got separated from them and randomly made friends with these other people, so i made one hold my hand and then i found my dad and brother and freaked out and cried a lot.

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