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Fox News And Bill O'reilly

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I'm not, but I think its rather hilarious that this was an actual study - and that what was assumed to be the truth, was. Often studies will totally change or at least slightly change assumed, or intuitive thoughts/opinions. This one simply made it concrete.

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Same here, i'm sure he's calling Indiana University a liberal, America hating institution filled with intellectuals who also hate America, ergo hate him as well. He tends to put himself as America's golden boy who if their against him, are against America lol.

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Do we really need a study to confirm this guy is an asshole 7 and an idiot?


What's scary is that his show gets great ratings. But i'm part of the problem i guess since i tune in sometimes just for curiousity...like watching a train-wreck.

lol fair enough.


But i dont think they went out to study if this guy was an asshole or not lol he clearly is. More of the type of propaganda techniques he uses.

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