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Matthew Good lyrics
Casual Walks
where is the real stuff
and when do you know
I got a pocket full of money
and no place to go
and I'm sure that it's hard
but always too slow
I got a head full of something and nothing to show
I took a casual walk to let off some steam
and I found out that maybe we're not what we seem
why was it always the land and fear of the sea
and maybe too late
but you could've just asked me
I always find myself stranded with cuts on my face
In some strange part of town where I don't know my place
but I've never left normal if that were the case
I could never come back if my footsteps erased
and the houses are sleeping
all down your block
and I'll probably give up
just so we can talk
I got a head full of something
and nothing to show
for a pocket full of money
and no place to go
my brother he's walked from New Zealand to Rome
I crawled to the city
and I couldn't find my way home
he might never come back
by the way that he talks
whereas he always returned
from casual walks
Song Information
Released: 1992.
Found on: Left of Normal.
Duration: 00:01:21
Mystery Box
Related Lyrics
- The Bombmaker
- Had It Coming
- In a Place of Lesser Men
- In A Place Of Lesser Men (Album Version)
- Coming Out In Purple

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