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Matthew Good lyrics
Message To God
julian would stand on the corner
underneath the bradbury hotel lights
wishing he was four floors up asleep
safely hidden from the dark and endless night
he used to be some kind of businessman
had a wife
two kids
and a dog named joe
went to parties
drank and laughed it up
never bothered to watch the dice he'd role
five years he has lived in an empty world
his wife is dead
and his kids they all moved away
no one knows what exactly happened to him
so sometimes he gets down on his knees to pray
if you can hear me
take me away from here
cause i'm no longer the man
that i want to be
there's no more room for the past
and that's all i have
i try to talk
but the future won't listen to me
diane worked at an all night coffee shop
on the corner of brabury and twenty-ninth
from time to time she'd watch julian from the window
and wonder to herself
if he would be alright
she lived alone
in a one room apartement
she didn't know anyone
and hardly went outside
convinced like julian
that she too
had become a ghost
when you're in a dark place
where there isn't anywhere to hide
someone once told her
that she didn't have anything to give
and when she was young
she believed every word they'd say
until she conviced herself
that she would start again
sometimes she still gets on her knees to pray
if you can hear me
take me away from here
cause i'm no longer the person
i thought i'd be
there is no reason
for me to go on like this
i try and cry out
but no one will listen to me
it was dark that night
darker than most i guess
he was at the window
thinking he would sit down to rest
he looked up
and his eyes went across the street
and to their surprise
those empty eyes encountered me
julian couldn't move
or more like he didn't want to
diane felt the same
and she didn't know what to do
ain't it funny
but ain't it a cryin shame
when you've got no one else
to blame
i turned my collar up
and started to walk down the street
and behind me i heard the silent sound
of weathered feet
i turned around
to watch the walk back toward the cafe
it's kind of funny
but sometimes we get on our knees to pray
if you can hear me
take them away from here
and make them
something they long to be
don't turn a deaf ear
to anyone that you might hear
or am i just talking
cause no one will listen to me
no one will listen
why won't you listen
Song Information
Released: 1991.
Found on: ... And In Closing.
Mystery Box
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