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Matthew Good video
It's Been a While Since I was your Man (2004)

Video Information
"It's Been a While Since I was your Man" was directed by Bill Morrison. It was the second video to be released off of White Light Rock & Roll Review. The video was filmed on May 15th, 2004 at Centennial High School, Coquitlam, British Columbia.
"Compared to most Canadian bands I've made videos that have strayed from the norm. I'm proud that, here and there, I have been able to produce a few that I thought were spectacular. Of those, I had a direct hand in writing, shooting, and editing.
Weapon, which is my favorite, I edited, conceptualized, and co-directed. X-Rated, Apparitions, Strange Days, Carmelina, I had a hand in. But to me, Weapon can't be topped.
The last two videos I've done had budgets of about 40 to 50 thousand dollars. Weapon? 100 thousand. Load Me Up? 150 thousand. Most American videos cost in excess of 250,000 dollars US to make.
I have news for you - when it comes to film, money talks most of the time, especially when it comes to trying to outdo videos you've made for three times the cash. There comes a point when you're just out of $50,000 dollar ideas. I reached that point when the third video for Avalanche was summarily shit canned and that record abandoned.
Did I like the last two videos? Not particularly, though the last one was very well put together by Bill and the effects are excellent. I wanted no performance in the video at all, but lost that battle altogether.
But I've been fighting a battle for three years that fans don't know about. Since the break-up of the band I have been very disappointed that I have been marketed as if it were just some extension of the Matthew Good Band. The record industry is out of date when it comes to marketing strategies I believe, and is doing little to remedy the problem. Much Music and radio remain the go-to sources for selling records, ones which do little to nothing for many artists. If you fail in these mediums you're lucky to be considered a priority. I was asked to do videos to help give others the "tools" they require to sell the record. But given what I've done in the past, how can I do that for half the money or less? People expect more. I, myself, would rather use even 10% of that money to do something web based.
As for songs, everyone's entitled to their opinion. Like something or dislike it, it's your right. But I'd be careful about talking as if you know how to write songs and what a good song is. Once you've been doing it a decade + then we'll talk. Nowhere in some Matthew Good handbook does it say that I'm not allowed to write songs about inter personal relationships. Nowhere in some Matthew Good handbook does it say that I can't, as 33 year old man, reflect nostalgically on an earlier time in my life. If you're 19 and don't get it, too bad so sad. Being that I am Matthew Good, it stands to reason that those subjects that some consider not very Matt are, in fact, Matt indeed." - Matthew Good
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Video Information
Released: 2004.
Found on: White Light Rock & Roll Review.
Directed by: Bill Morrison.
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