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Matthew Good lyrics
I'm A Window
I'm a window, you're the frame
I'm a gigolo, you're in pain
I'm the highlights, you're the game
If I'm a window, you're just the rain
Everybody get off the floor tonight
All right?
Screw the whistle, come be the train
Don't fuck the princess, do the maid
Don't make nothing just go get paid
If I'm a window, you're just the rain
Everybody get off the floor tonight
All right?
Diving in and out of trash
Down there something's got to match
Gone away boys, we're gone away, boys
The waitress she just brings us drinks
And tries to guess what we all think
But it's just noise, always it's just noise
And through the side door and in the lane
Somebody's sick but love's to blame
Gone away boys, we're gone away, boys
I'm a window, come be some wind
I'm a window, come break in
Song Information
Released: 2007.
Found on: Hospital Music.
Duration: 00:03:37
This was the second single released off of Hospital Music.
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