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Lights of Endangered Species
January 13, 2011 08:19 PM UTC
The name of Matthew Good's fourteenth and possibly last full length album has just been released. Lights of Endangered Species, set to feature nine tracks, will be Matthew's only full length album to be released with under ten tracks. It also marks the return of Warne Livesey as producer.
The first single is set to stream on M+, the paid membership section on Matthew Good's official website, before the expected Summer 2011 release date.
Thanks to forums poster AnOnceanPearl for the tip!
2010 was a very busy year for Matthew Good, after embarking on a tour across the US and Canada, he began recording of his latest album in October. After a marathon recording session, mixing followed on November 29th. Good was also happily married last year and had his first baby. We wish Matthew and his family the best for 2011!
Stay tuned daily for more information!
Mystery Box
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