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Want: Iac Poster

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Hello. I'm looking for an IAC poster featuring the rabbit. I have posters from every MG release except LOTGA, and I need to get my hands on one of these to complete the collection.

I have $$$, but I also have a couple of stickers from the USA Beautiful Midnight release, AOB, Avalanche and WLRRR. I also have extra MGB skater logo clothing tags (I'm fresh out of patches, so please don't ask).

I have a couple of old MGB t-shirts that I've worn maybe once or twice as well that I might be willing to part with.

On top of that, I have every fricken song you could want on MP3, and am more than willing to burn CD's and ship.


If you have an extra IAC poster that you're looking to get rid of, please message me, or email me:


[email protected]



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