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Champ Car World Series

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Anyone else here watch Champ Car?


I've been watching PT's career on and off and watching the series hardcore since the 4th race of the 2003 season (that PT won the championship).


I am stoked that AJ Allmendinger is now a part of Forsythe Racing and Paul Tracy's team mate.


For those out of the loop...Allmendinger was let go at RuSport for "better career development of the team & AJ" and Dominguez was canned from Forsythe, mostly because he crashed Tracy in 2 of 4 races so far. Yesterday, they announced what myself and many other people have speculated all along...that PT's protege and fellow hothead Allmendinger, would join forces.


I can't wait for the Portland race on Sunday @ 3:30pm on CBS.

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